Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Boston Talk Radio King Howie Carr on the Murder of Mob Boss Whitey Bulger in Prison

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the gentlemen chatted with Howie Carr known as the Talk Radio king of Boston.  They discussed White Bulger’s death, his disturbing legacy, and the potential for Elizabeth Warren’s to have Presidential run in 2020.

Leahy:  We are joined now by my good friend Howie Carr, the Boston talk radio king, the prolific author who’s written extensively about crime and Boston.  And also back in the 1980’s I think it was, Whitey Bulger, who’s now no longer with us, put a hit out on you, Howie, tell us about that.

Carr:  Yeah he didn’t like the fact that I was writing about his brother, particularly his brother was the president of the Massachusetts state senate, a Democrat.  You know there is a anti-Trump angle here. All these Democrats slaying in federal custody, Trump has no alibi.  (Laughter).  I had never thought of that till just now, but there it is.  You know even though, Whitey was not a big fan of Barack Obama, that’s one reason they got him actually after he was on the lamb for sixteen years.  He went crazy talking about Barack Obama one time and they had a woman when he was hiding out with when he was on the lamb in Santa Monica, California and a woman remembered it and when the federal marshals took over they dragnet for him out for sixteen years the FBI wasn’t paying off for years wasn’t getting the job done.  She went to collect the two million dollar reward for it.  But he was a terrible, terrible person as you guys know, probably, he was a guy who had a record for bank robbery, cocaine dealing, he was a serial killer, he was a pedophile and he was a staunch Democrat.

Gill:  Howie I saw it was I guess on Fox News yesterday you were talking about one of his murders he killed a a father and then called the house.

Carr: Right, he called the house, he killed his girlfriend’s who’s still in prison, they think she knows where the money is, or they suspect she knows  where the money is, there’s millions they still can’t find  He killed two of her brothers in law, believe it or not, two of them, two brothers in law and so after he killed the second one, you know tricked them into something, one of them was a gangster the other was just a mistaken identity, he just saw him riding in his brother’s car so he shot him.  And so he, what he did was he buries the bodies, the bodies disappear, and all that, it’s over.  And so what happens is he does this call to the house and the little son picks up the line and says, “Hello?”, and it’s right before Christmas, and Whitey said, “Your father’s not coming home for Christmas.”  And the kid says “Who is this?” and Whitey says, “Santa Claus!”

Carr went on to reflect upon another true story about when Bulger killed a man in Florida for a gang and left a body in the trunk of a car at the Miami-Dade airport and called and asked why he didn’t just chop up the body and feed it to the sharks so nobody would ever find it?  Leahy went on to talk about Carr’s books about Whitey Bulger.  Carr went on to discuss how he’s monitored Elizabeth Warren’s campaign and commented upon his opinion regarding her chances of a 2020 Presidential run.

Gill:  Howie you also keep your eye on Elizabeth the pretendian Warren whose DNA test proved that she actually isn’t native American Indian, kind of like this Sayoc guy down in Florida, he was another pretendian.  What’s your take on, does this hurt her chances or does this in the Democratic party embolden her to run for President in 2020?

Carr:  I don’t think it’s possible that it could help her campaign for President, she’s just doing a terrible job at this campaign.  They had the final debate last night and she brought in all these local yocal hacks you now, who if you bring them in you say here’s mayor Marty Walsh from Boston,  Mayor Berdium from (inaudible talk) , she didn’t even mention them all.  But you know what she did?  She swore on statewide TV.  She used the word “bleep hole” only she didn’t edit it.  I mean you know the Boston Globe, the local Boston Fanz, keeps calling her she’s so intelligent, she’s so smart, she was a professor at Harvard law school .  There was no evidence whatsoever for her ability to think on her feet or handle herself with any kind of extemporaneous questioning or ad libbing.  She’s not ready for prime time.  The fact is that the poll shows she’s only got fifty six percent of the vote you know in their poll.  And the polls are never right they’re always like eight to ten points heavy for Democrats. I mean, I’m not saying she’s going to lose to Geoff Diehl the republican candidate, but this is not an impressive campaign that she’s running.

The interview concluded with Leahy questioning Carr on Whitey Bulger’s recent transfer and then subsequent murder.  Carr went on to comment that he was surprised about what happened and that perhaps he was transferred away from Florida because of something down there.  He was perplexed about why he would be transferred to West Virginia when ta natural path would be to send him to Missouri.  Leahy talked about Howie Carr’s book tours and then encouraged him to come down to Nashville, Tennessee.

Listen to the full segment:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 am to the Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC. Listen online at iHeart Radio.








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