Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves Talks Northam Black Face Scandal and Abortion Bill

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the duo spoke with Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves regarding the current state of affairs surrounding Governor Ralph Northam’s “racist” yearbook photos and his most recent “awkward” press conference.

As the conversation deepened, the men also touched upon the current abortion bill and how the Republican’s may have a political advantage due to the extreme nature of the bill which is technically pushing infanticide and genocide.

Gill: Bryce Reeves is a state Senator from Virginia he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor. Nearly lost that race in a three person race as Jill Vogel went on to lose to Justin Fairfax who now is apparently under some scrutiny himself as he may poised to take over the governor’s office in Virginia. And Bryce good to have you with us!

Reeves: Steve and Michael, great to be with you. And looking forward to another crazy day down here in the General Assembly.

Gill: When I first called you it was to talk about this whole infanticide bill and the governor’s decision that yeah, murdering a born baby would somehow how be acceptable under certain circumstances not only up to the moment before birth. We’re going to get to that in a few minutes, but first, what is the latest? I’ve heard some rumors that Northam’s telling some people that he didn’t appear in the picture, but he took the picture. No word on this whole military apparently dance contest. What’s the latest and do you think he survives the day?

Reeves relayed that Northam had an emergency meeting with his cabinet the other night and some others have come to the Governor’s mansion last night. He confessed that there was chaos he was not sure what’s going on but was under tremendous pressure to resign. He added that he thought it best to wait till the facts come out but that it would be pretty hard to refute and whether there was patterned behavior? He was certain that the bigger thing is who did the op research. Gill agreed that Northam’s preventive team missed it and even in previous state wide elections.

Reeves: Yeah you know, I think we’re getting to point now, though that it started with Kavanaugh and what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And I’m not sure where it’s come from or how it’s come out or anything else. And then as you mentioned in the previous segment about Justin Fairfax. We’re just blown away that Virginia now is at the forefront with all this chaos and confusion and what’s going on. And the reality is we have an election this year. We stopped that murder, abortion bill by one vote in each chamber and we’re barely hanging on. And I think if nothing else it’s been a rallying cry for the conservative base here to say, “Hey, wake up!” Because we haven’t won a statewide election since Bob McDonald and we almost lost the house except for a draw out of a bucket last year with the house. So we’re hanging on. And if people want to see Virginia go the way as California it’s one vote in each chamber and I think that’s a scarier thing from where I stand.

Gill: How is this playing. Again the infanticide bill up until you know, dilation as delegate Tran was explaining it and is now trying to you know, contort her way out of it, “I didn’t really understand the question.” Nah she understood the question. Her answer was pretty graphic and pretty specific. How is this going to play, again in Virginia off your elections you’ll have all the delegates, all the state representatives up for election this year and half the state senate. How do you see this playing? If the African American vote is suppressed because Northam is still hanging on that should give Republicans a better chance.

Reeves: Yeah it certainly will. The whole senate’s up this year and the whole house. So, it’s for all the money. The bigger picture on this thing, is I think your listeners need to understand this in Tennessee as they do in Virginia. There’s a big play by Holder and Obama to take back state houses so they can control re-districting and eventually take back Congress legitimately not just on this swings and never get it back. And that’s the big thirty thousand foot play here is that’s what they’re trying to do. This threw a monkey wrench in what they’re trying to do because by and large seventy five percent of Americans regardless of you’re a Republican or Democrat or Independent in Marist poll says there should be some restrictions on abortion. And now we’re talking about killing babies outside the womb. Folks have talked about genocide and all these things. But the truth is, when Ralph Northam, that governor made that statement he was talking as a doctor and exactly what would happen. And you better believe him the first time. And my wife always says that. When people reveal who they are to you the first time believe them. He’s revealed himself. Now the other thing that people aren’t listening to and don’t realize, we defeated that bill by one vote in the senate. We didn’t make a lot of hay on it, but there where quite a few senators that signed on to that bill in the senate as well. We killed it before the house, it’s just that Todd Gilbert did some questioning on the bill. This is a boiler plate bill put out by the far left. They’ve done it in New York and they passed it and the Governor signed the bill. They tried to swing that here and we killed it by one vote in each chamber. It’s coming to other states. And I think that’s the biggest, biggest thing we have is they’re trying to do this because they realize Trump might get another Supreme Court nominee and won’t control the Supreme Court for the next twenty five years. So you know I’m not a big conspiracy theory guy, you know that Steve, we’ve talked a lot on these things they are tactically and operationally going out and executing their plan and their vision for what the Untied States should be in the future. And I think that’s a scary thing.

Gill went on to question Reeves about the issue of infanticide and how Republican’s can play this without over reaching. He explained how acknowledging that even pro-choice Democrats and liberals are hesitant the termination of a viable pregnancy.   Reeves responded by quoting Sun Zun, “When your enemies making mistakes don’t interrupt.” (Laughter) Reeves was confident that they would let this play out and that it only helps Republicans as an issue that’s finally come to the boiling point. “If you can’t get behind saving a babies life then you should second guess your moral compass, stated Reeves.

Leahy: Bryce, this is Michael Patrick Leahy, how does the impeachment process work in Virginia?  How would it come about if it came to the point where Republicans and perhaps Democrats in the general assembly decided it was time for Governor Northam to go?

Reeves: You know he’s got to have an impeachable offense. Having something in your background from way back when, when maybe in that times it was acceptable behavior because the country hadn’t been changes where they were so there’s nothing we can do… (Inaudible crosstalk)

Leahy: Well let me ask you this. If he lies about it. If that press conference contains lies and as a result, let’s say there’s a boycott of Virginia. Does that result in an impeachable offense?

Reeves: I think it would still be difficult. There’d have to be some investigation as this continues. And let me just say, Michael Patrick, let me just say this. If Republican’s go and dig that up and we get this started then we’re going to be blamed for everything. Because it’s already started out there that Republican’s leaked this and this that and the other. I think that it will be kind of a due process thing and if it’s going to be driven that way it’s going to be driven by the Democrats. The senate black caucus is furious with Governor Northam where they’re absolutely behind wanting to see him leave. And I think right now with what we face we’ve got to let this thing play out a little bit.

Leahy: Will the black caucus go ahead and begin impeachment proceedings?

Reeves concluded the segment by answering Leahy’s question stating that he hadn’t made it into the office to talk to colleagues but noted that many people are upset and that there were protesters out on the capital.  He was not sure where things stood with the new developments regarding the Lieutenant Governor and the seriousness of the charge and accusations recently made and additionally noting that he felt for his family.

“I don’t know and dare not even comment on the validity of this thing. I know it mentions that Lieutenant Governor worked for Kerry back in two thousand four so there’s certainly some points there. As a former police officer and detective, there are some things there that you could look after and go after and start trying to verify that. But I think that’s for the law enforcement to look at if she’s going to formally file a compliant against him then I think that turns into a legal matter and that’s a lot trouble for him at this point as well,” concluded Reeves.

For more information visit www.brycereeves.com.

Listen to the full segment:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 am to the Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.






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