Tennessee Star/Triton Poll: Nashville Voters Are Pro-Medical Marijuana, Strongly Disapprove More Tax Dollars Being Paid to Corporations Moving to Nashville


A new Tennessee Star/Triton poll indicates that while the Tennessee the Legislature was not willing to move forward with legislation legalizing the sale and distribution of medical marijuana in the state, Nashville voters are very supportive of the idea.

550 Likely voters in Davidson County were asked: “Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate who supports legalizing the distribution and sale of marijuana in Tennessee if strictly limited to prescribed medical use only?”

60.2% were more likely to vote for a candidate who supported legalization of medical marijuana; 18.4% were less likely; 16.1% said it would not impact their vote and 5.3% were unsure. After law enforcement officers voiced disapproval of a bill legalizing medical marijuana that was sponsored by State Senator Steve Dickerson (R-Nashville) it was pulled from consideration this year.  Dickerson says he will bring it back next year.

Another hot issue with Nashville voters is the tax dollars being paid to corporations to move their headquarters and operations to town. Many voters clearly feel that companies are relocating to Nashville and Middle Tennessee without needing the lure of taxpayer dollars. That view is clearly tied to the opinion that affordable housing is being squeezed out in the process of more companies coming to town, and bringing the traffic and congestion that registers as a top concern among voters.

Those polled in the Triton survey were asked: “Generally, do you support or oppose millions of Nashville tax dollars being given to corporations like Amazon, Alliance Bernstein, and others to convince them to locate their businesses in Nashville?”

56% said they oppose more deals where tax dollars are paid to out of state corporations to relocate to Nashville; 26.4% support the practice; 17.7% were not sure or didn’t know. Other questions in the survey indicated that traffic/congestion is seen as a major issue to a significant number of Nashville voters.

The Tennessee Star/Triton poll was conducted April 29 -May 1, 2019 and surveyed the opinions of 550 likely voters in Davidson County with a margin of error of 4.2%. The full topline of the poll can be viewed Tuesday morning in The Tennessee Star.





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