Tennessee State Senator Frank Niceley Lists ‘Eight Ways to Annoy Liberals’ in Fun Thanksgiving Tweetstorm

In response to Senator Chuck Schumer’s tweet encouraging Thanksgiving revelers to challenge their family members regarding the Republicans’ developing tax reform package, our own State Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains) delivered a series of eight well-crafted suggestions for Trump supporters to do and say in return.

“There have been so many articles about politics at the Thanksgiving table and how Trump has divided friendships and everybody’s afraid to talk politics,” Niceley told the Knoxville News Sentinel. “I think everybody’s taking it too seriously and we just need to lighten up a little bit.”

“Everybody talks about how strained relationships are over this Trump making America great again,” he said. “It’s almost like some people don’t want America to be great again. I’ve been in politics 30 years and I’ve never seen it so divided. But there are a lot of good things going on. The stock market is up. Unemployment is down.”

Niceley’s suggestions touch on all the liberal hot buttons, from Russia to climate change, Trump’s talking style, Hillary Clinton, and more.

And so, without further delay…

Frank Niceley’s Eight #WaysToAnnoyFamilyLiberalsAtThanksgiving



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One Thought to “Tennessee State Senator Frank Niceley Lists ‘Eight Ways to Annoy Liberals’ in Fun Thanksgiving Tweetstorm”

  1. Steve L.

    Loved those! Since most of my Thanksgiving guests were from Grainger County there was no one to annoy. For other families less blessed only 2 or 3 of those would have been needed to seriously offend any Snowflake. BTW, we did not tune in the NFL, skewered HRC, Corker, and Dem’s in conversation, and our prayer included protecting unborn babies as well as a strengthening this countries faith in our Lord. Merry Christmas, all!
