Tennessee State Senator Katrina Robinson Blasts Conservatives, Says They Are Indifferent to Middle Class Needs

State Sen. Katrina Robinson, D-Memphis, reportedly said she, as a Democrat, has a responsibility to make Tennessee more politically progressive.

Vanderbilt’s official student newspaper, The Hustler, profiled Robinson in an article Thursday, presented in a question-and-answer format.

“Sometimes conservatives will not push legislation that affects the everyday, middle class, working family, single moms, recent college grads with student loan debt, you won’t see a lot of that from the conservative side, and so it is our issue and our position as Democratic senators to champion those issues,” Robinson reportedly told the paper.

Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill, however, said he took issue with Robinson’s remarks.

“Conservatives are not working to keep our borders open so that illegal aliens can freely enter our country where they have a propensity to rape, molest, and kill children, or bring in deadly drugs that are destroying lives, or simply unfairly compete for the jobs that entry level workers and single moms need to survive,” Gill said.

Conservatives, Gill went on to say, are also not the ones forcing inner city children into the worst – yet most highly-funded – schools in America while denying those children safer and more effective schooling options.

“Democrats force parents to be blocked from having taxpayer money follow their child to the best educational opportunity available in order to trap them in poor performing government schools that guarantees another generation of uneducated and poor people likely to vote Democrat,” Gill told The Star.

Robinson told The Hustler that, as one of eight female state senators, she feels obligated to train her male colleagues about the fairer sex.

“I do anticipate there will be a little bit of a gap in explaining from a woman’s perspective to a man’s perspective,” Robinson told the paper.

“And that’s just in life, period. Men, sometimes they don’t get women’s issues, and it’s our responsibility to educate them as best as we can.”

Gill said he had a rebuttal for that as well.

“She may be somewhat correct, in that you don’t find many conservatives pushing legislation to kill babies moments before birth or even shortly after, as Democrats are doing in New York, Virginia, Rhode Island and elsewhere. That’s kind of a ‘women’s issue’ since about half of the murdered babies are girls,” Gill said.

Gill told The Star that Robinson “seems much more committed to promoting left-wing propaganda and failed policies than to champion the interests of those who are most vulnerable to the destructive policies she embraces.”

“While Democrats promote the destructive socialism that has killed the Venezuelan economy, among others, conservatives have supported the Trump tax cuts that have removed millions of Americans — including record numbers of African-Americans — from the rolls of unemployment and welfare and enabled them to find a path to success and self-sufficiency,” Gill said.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee State Senator Katrina Robinson Blasts Conservatives, Says They Are Indifferent to Middle Class Needs”

  1. […] reported last year, Robinson said she, as a Democrat has a responsibility to make Tennessee more politically […]

  2. Horatio Bunce

    “Sometimes conservatives will not push legislation that affects the everyday, middle class, working family, single moms, recent college grads with student loan debt, you won’t see a lot of that from the conservative side, and so it is our issue and our position as Democratic senators to champion those issues,”

    Now, that’s just not true. We see Haslam and Susan Lynn pushing for higher gas taxes, higher diesel taxes, higher license plate taxes – those affect everybody. No-bid Common Core testing contracts with PARCC, rented test questions from Utah, 8 years of federally-driven mandated online testing failures affect everybody too. Oh wait, you said “conservatives”…..never mind. Which “side” do you consider them to be on?

  3. If you are an American who was taught to love freedom, you might think Americans who hate the Bill of Rights are traitors.
