Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts Calls for a Special Session on COVID-19 Mandates


Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield) sent a letter to Senate Speaker Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) to urge him to support a special legislative session.

In the session, Roberts and other state lawmakers seek to limit the ability of school systems and venues from issuing broad mandates relating to COVID-19.

Roberts, in the letter, outlined six potential goals for the special legislative session:

  1.  Prohibiting mask mandates in public buildings, schools, and universities
  2.  Recognizing acquired immunity or immunity from monoclonal antibodies as satisfying vaccine mandates
  3.  Prohibiting Bridgestone Arena and other venues receiving government funding from implementing vaccine requirements, mask mandates, or segregating attendees according to vaccination status
  4.  Placing the county health departments of Davidson, Hamilton, Knox, Madison, Shelby, and Sullivan counties under the direct oversight of the General Assembly
  5.  Challenging federal overreach exercised by President Joe Biden related to vaccine mandates
  6.  Requiring Executive Orders issued during a State of Emergency lasting over 90 days to be reviewed by the Joint Committee for Government Operations for a positive or negative recommendation

After the letter by Roberts, other lawmakers joined in his call for a special session.

“These are trying times with federal overreach and aggressive mandates that infringe on our Constitution. We in the Senate need to fully engage to ensure our rights are safeguarded. I have supported for some time now, and will continue to staunchly support a special session,” said Senator Paul Rose (R-Covington) in a tweet.

Multiple school districts throughout the state have elected to impose mask mandates on teachers and students. In an attempt to oppose the measures, Governor Bill Lee signed an executive order allowing parents to choose to opt their children out of the mandate.

Furthermore, Bridgestone Arena adopted new policies that require all guests 12 years and older to either show proof that they have been fully vaccinated or present a negative COVID-19 test.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “Tennessee General Assembly” by the Tennessee General Assembly.





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11 Thoughts to “Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts Calls for a Special Session on COVID-19 Mandates”

  1. Kitty Lenoir

    We need to lead and not follow. Other states have already prohibited federal government overreach. We don’t vote overwhelmingly conservative in Tennessee for a reason. Step up R’s!!!!

  2. Jean

    Thank God for Senator Roberts. I am very encouraged at the topics he wants to cover in this Special Session, especially the Federal Overreach and the Governors Executive Order #83, which calls for building Camps and other orders that could lead to tyrannical actions if in the wrong hands. Every Tennessean should read this draconian Executive Order and call the Governors office about it.

  3. John

    What Kerry Roberts needed to do is call a special session, tie Bill Lee to a pole, and then horse whip the man until he understands what being a Conservative really is.

    At this rate, Lee is not going to be re-elected. His Democratic challenger will take is place and then CRT will be a staple in Tennessee public school’s curriculum.

    Pray that Lee gets a competent challenger in the primary.

  4. 83ragtop50

    Where does Ferrell Haile stand on this? I was once represented by Roberts but got switched to Haile. Not a good thing for me.

  5. mikey whipwreck

    good. we need to push back against Selectident Obiden

    if they can mandate this they can mandate literally anything

  6. Ron W

    Good! Kerry Roberts is my State Senator and I support these goals.

  7. Chris

    God bless you, good Sir.

  8. Cannoneer2

    Well, Champ, Tennessee currently has the highest per capita positive rate for Covid in the U.S.. What’s the bicycle salesman’s angle on how to get that rate to drop?

  9. Wolf Woman

    Thank you, Kerry Roberts and Paul Rose for your and others efforts.

    Will the Tennessee legislators heed your call to duty to the U.S. Constitution and their constituents’ concerns? Or will they continue to be a feckless group of hack politicians as usual?

  10. Kevin

    Just more political theater! Roberts is getting pressured by constituents to call for a special session, as are most members of the Senate. But this is just for show! Most will not buck McNally! So, a bunch call for a special session, BUT at the last minute Tennessee Attorney General joins the Arizona lawsuit against Biden. Then McNally issues a statement, “see, we don’t need a special session, ‘cuz we’re fighting the feds…”

    It’s BS! A special session is needed to address the vaccine mandate, AND a bunch of other Covid issues, PLUS, Tennessee needs to conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election! Can Tennessee lead the nation for a change?

    1. Kitty Lenoir

      100% agree. WHY can’t we lead???? How can such a red state be so spineless??
