Tennessee State University Gives Al Sharpton Massive Salary to Teach Social Justice Course


A new report says Tennessee State University officials are paying nearly $50,000 to the Rev. Al Sharpton to guest lecture a course about political science and social justice.

Sharpton reportedly holds the title of Distinguished Guest Lecturer.

This, according to a new report from Campus Reform, which reported that Sharpton is teaching for one semester.

Officials at Tennessee State University, based in Nashville, did not return The Tennessee Star’s repeated requests for comment Wednesday.

“Tennessee State University is paying MSNBC host Al Sharpton $48,000 to be a “Distinguished Guest Lecturer” for the spring semester, lasting from January 19 May 3, according to Sharpton’s contract with the university, a copy of which Campus Reform obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request,” according to the publication.

“In comparison, the average salary in the U.S. is $66,665 per year, just $18,665 more than what Sharpton will make from his gig at TSU in a period of five months.”

Writers for Campus Reform said they had asked TSU officials to confirm if taxpayers are funding Sharpton’s salary for this position. But university officials reportedly would not respond to the publication.

As The Tennessee Star reported in December, TSU officials described Sharpton as an “icon,” who “brings wealth” to politics. Sharpton said at the time that he would teach about political science and social justice from the lens of recent cases.

In the late 1980s, Sharpton spoke in support of Tawana Brawley , a woman who accused a group of White men of kidnap and rape. Brawley, who also accused the men of writing racial slurs on her body, was dismissed by grand jury members when they determined she fabricated the story. In 1998, county prosecutor Steven Pagones won a $65,000 defamation lawsuit against Sharpton, who had accused him of being one of the attackers.

People have also accused Sharpton of anti-Semitism, and “race-baiting.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Al Sharpton” by Al Sharpton. Background Photo “Tennessee State University” by Tennessee State University. 








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8 Thoughts to “Tennessee State University Gives Al Sharpton Massive Salary to Teach Social Justice Course”


    What’s next paying Hunter Biden to teach a course on using the Family Name to rake in money from foreign governments.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Pull state funding from this sham of a college.

  3. jamesb

    the founder of americas most sucessful cottage industry. racism. pay your taxes you racist

  4. Dave Vance

    State funding needs to be cut immediately! In fact most of universities should be cut for the garbage they teach!

  5. Beatrice Shaw

    I wish this lecture was available online for everyone to see. Nice to see some real conversation about today’s issues taking place in a state like Tennessee.

  6. mikey whipwreck

    Al Sharp-con is one of the greatest fraudsters in america today

  7. Tim Price

    And TSU pretends to have integrity?

  8. Bob

    I can’t believe Tennessee State University would even allow this racist SOB on their campus. Al Sharpton is probably the most racist person in the world, worse than the KKK. SHAME ON YOU.
