Tennessee State University Taps Al Sharpton to Teach ‘Political Science Grounded in Social Justice’

by Haley Worth


Tennessee State University announced it has hired MSNBC host and progressive activist Rev. Al Sharpton as a Distinguished Guest Lecturer.

Beginning in January 2021, Sharpton will teach “in the area of political science grounded in social justice during the academic term.” Tennessee State University President Glenda Glover said that Sharpton has been an important part of shaping history.

The announcement of Sharpton’s new position posted on the university’s website calls him an “icon,” who “brings wealth” to politics.

Glover expressed the university’s excitement, stating that Sharpton will be able to provide insight for the students: “We are excited to have the Rev. Al Sharpton, a civil rights icon, serve as a distinguished guest lecturer at our university.”

“His presence means our students will be able to engage with a piece of history at a time when his insight is more relevant than ever before,” she added.

Glover added that he has helped shape history and that his role at the university will be a great opportunity for students to learn.

“Not only does Rev. Sharpton know American history and the role African Americans have played to shape that history, he has been an intricate piece of it as well. This will be an amazing opportunity for our students to learn from an individual who comes from the pages of the history books they are reading, and to gain knowledge directly from the source,” Glover continued.

Sharpton stated he is honored to be a part of the university and will discuss issues that affect the Black community in class.

“The course I will teach will examine political science and social justice from the lens of recent cases – many of which I have directly worked on as a civil rights leader and it will look at shifting politics in the new administration relating to issues directly impacting Black communities,” Sharpton said.

In the late 1980s, Sharpton spoke in support of Tawana Brawley case, a woman who accused a group of white men of kidnap and rape. Brawley, who also accused the men of writing racial slurs on her body, was dismissed by a grand jury when they determined she fabricated the story. In 1998, county prosecutor Steven Pagones won a $65,000 defamation lawsuit against Sharpton, who had accused him of being one of the attackers.

Sharpton has also been accused of being an anti-Semite, and a “race-baiter.”

Director of Research at the National Association of Scholars discussed the university hiring Sharpton with Campus Reform stating, “Steven Pagones successfully sued Al Sharpton for defaming his character in the course of perpetrating the Tawana Brawley rape hoax. Sharpton has never apologized to Pagones. Sharpton is morally responsible for inciting Roland Smith to murder seven people at Freddy’s Fashion Mart – although he managed to avoid legal liability.

“Any American organization that allows Sharpton to be associated with it, without condemning him for his reprehensible behavior, itself deserves the severest moral condemnation. Tennessee State University (TSU) has now joined MSNBC and the Democratic Party, among other American organizations, in this roster of shame. The only silver lining of TSU’s action is that it allows Tennessee’s taxpayers to know what the higher education establishment means by ‘political science grounded in social justice.’”

Campus Reform reached out to TSU for comment but was referred to the announcement on the school’s website.

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Haley Worth is a Minnesota Campus Correspondent with Campus Reform. She is a junior at Saint Cloud State University, majoring in Political Science. On campus, Haley was the President of the Turning Point USA chapter. She was also the Grassroots Youth Director of Matt Gurtler’s Congressional Campaign for the primary runoff election in Georgia. Haley is a Fall 2020 Campus Reform intern.
Photo “Al Sharpton” by Al Sharpton.









Appeared at and reprinted from campusreform.org

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15 Thoughts to “Tennessee State University Taps Al Sharpton to Teach ‘Political Science Grounded in Social Justice’”

  1. Mark Pulliam

    How much taxpayer money will this unscrupulous charlatan get paid to indoctrinate students with his poisonous rhetoric?

  2. william delzell

    Okay by me. Better Sharpton than Betsy Devos, William Barr, and other racist right-wing scum-bags!

    1. Nomad

      What has Sharpen done in his life to qualify him to teach others

  3. Tim Price

    Nashville is the Liberal Shithole of the South!

  4. Ben Taibi

    What kind of people are running the University? They are obviously willfully ignorant of what this guy is. This kind of judgement is not beneficial in shaping young minds in a good way, someone should look into that. People in NY know what a clown and con man Sharpton is and always was. People need to step up or Tennessee will be New York. And the excuse is he is part of history? A lot of bad actors are part of history…..you don’t let them teach your kids

  5. Frank List

    Gee… big surprise, huh?

    Think he will pay taxes on whatever cash they throw at this race-baiting fraud?

  6. Beatrice Shaw

    Excellent choice on instructors.

    1. jamesb

      beatrice ,you missed your appointment with your therapist.

  7. jimmyjack

    Sharpton is one of the most racist people in America. I thought the incoming administration (biden) wanted everyone to “come together”. TSU hiring this racist clown is a huge step in the wrong direction.

  8. Kevin

    Oh boy! Things are gonna get interesting. Big Al will be trying to teach his Extortion 101, but it will directly infringe on the currently entrenched shakedown artists. And Nashville taxpayers will have to ante up yet again.

    Also, you can bet that once the weather warms, Nashville will get round 2 of street violence! It’s how these mobsters roll!

  9. Horatio Bunce

    Pro tip for TSU: Only mobsters can be FBI informants on the mob.

    Will TSU garnish Sharpton’s wages to pay toward his IRS debts?

  10. mikey whipwreck

    they’ll get a good education in how to be a shakedown artist and how to become a millionaire while providing nothing of value to society

  11. CMinTN

    Al Charlatan huh? I would yank my kids out of there! Go woke, go broke. Our colleges and universities are turning into sick jokes. Boycott these indoctrination centers!

  12. Rick

    Bottom of the barrel , what an embarrassment for TSU.

    1. Wolf Woman

      @Rick. What an embarrassment for the state of Tennessee.
