Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn Issues Statement on the End of Title 42

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) released a statement on Thursday just hours before Title 42, a pandemic-related immigration policy, expired.

“Every town is a border town, and every state is a border state,” Blackburn stated. “With hours left before the end of Title 42, 40,000 migrants are camped feet away from the Texas state line, and another 80,000 migrants are gathered in Guatemala with plans to head for the southern border.”

Blackburn continued, “The record number of illegal border crossings means more immigrant women are being raped, assaulted, and trafficked on their journey to the United States. Cartels have capitalized on the Biden administration’s refusal to enforce the law and are now charging between $8,000 and $20,000 to smuggle migrants into our country.”

“This is a humanitarian catastrophe that’s growing worse by the minute. The administration’s deliberate decision to allow Title 42 to expire – and release thousands of illegal immigrants into the United States with no way of tracking them – will have dangerous consequences for our nation’s stability,” Blackburn said.

The Tennessee senator’s statement came one day after she led legislation to reinstate the Remain in Mexico program in response to Title 42’s expiration.

Under the Trump-era Remain in Mexico program, migrants who arrive at the border would be issued Notices to Appear for an immigration court hearing later and return to Mexico.

“As the Biden administration allows Title 42 to lapse, there must be an effective plan to avoid exacerbating their border crisis. Reinstating the practice of returning migrants to Mexico and putting an end to the zero-accountability practice of catch and release is essential for our nation’s sovereignty and security,” Blackburn stated.

Last week, Blackburn also joined ten Republican U.S. Senator colleagues in sending a letter to President Joe Biden urging his administration to extend Title 42 altogether, citing the administration’s lack of effective initiatives to address the expected uptick in migration once the policy is lifted.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn. 




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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn Issues Statement on the End of Title 42”

  1. Concerned

    Human trafficking increases along with illegal drug importation are hand-in-hand with policy set up by Bien/Obama and the democrat lemmings. Yes I said Obama, the push for DACA was his as was opening the borders. He continues as divider-in-chief. Along with a surge in drug importations, there are many crossing the border with criminal records, some with the ill intent to harm the United States. The cartels have to love having Demented Joe in the Oval Office. Impeachment isn’t an option, Joe has the perfect insurance plan in that being Kamala Harris. To impeach Joe means you get cackling Kamala. What a mess this country is in and what a mess brought to us courtesy of your democrat party. Thank you Senator Blackburn for not letting the left hide this terrible mistake..

  2. william delzell

    Biden has replaced Title 42 with a carbon-Republican copy of it.
