Texas Congressman Calls for Impeachment of Biden over Immigration Policy

by Bethany Blankley


Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden and the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, citing their “reckless immigration policy” that many lawmakers argue is endangering the lives of Texans and Americans.

“Total encounters: 205,029. Total known getaways: 37,400. 1.3 million for 2021 so far. Largest monthly encounter number since 2000,” Roy tweeted.

Roy told Newsmax that what is happening at the Texas-Mexico border is “endangering Texans, endangering ranchers, endangering our country with opioids flowing in, and cartels having operational control. You’ve got thousands of immigrants who are in these horrible conditions and are risking their lives and are being abused by cartels.”

Assuming that Republicans will regain control of Congress in the next election, Roy said, “We ought to impeach Mayorkas, we ought to consider impeaching President Biden. They are not faithfully executing the laws of the United States, they are doing it purposefully. They are endangering Americans, it’s enough. The American people have had it, the Texans have had it, and they can all just go to hell.”

Roy also repeated what he told The Center Square that one of the best ways to secure the border is to shut ports of entry in Texas, an action Texans have been asking Gov. Greg Abbott to take, which he has not done.

“I think we’re getting to a point right now where we ought to consider just shutting down the ports of entry, to send a loud signal to the United States that we’re not going to deal with this anymore,” Roy told Newsmax. “I think we need to go put our own manpower down at the border.”

While Abbott has authorized another roughly 300 Texas National Guardsmen to assist Texas DPS, none are on the ground, in the bush patrolling or positioned along the actual border. The initial 500 tasked with duties at the border have provided administrative support only. Critics argue the way in which the Texas National Guard has been deployed does not actually defend Texas and doesn’t utilize the military training or experience of Texas guardsmen and women who have served overseas defending other countries’ borders.

Roy said he’s fed up with a federal mask mandate on Americans while the Biden administration has opened up the border to people who have the coronavirus.

He told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, “I’m over it. I’m sick of it. I’m watching Texas get decimated with opioids flowing into Texas, fentanyl. La Joya, Texas right now, we have a hotel filled with individuals who came here illegally that Catholic Charities put in a hotel that they knew had COVID.

“Here we are saying, oh, we’re going to have to wear masks on the floor of the House, but we’re going to do nothing to stop the flow of people coming across our border. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. I introduced legislation for a discharge petition to require the enforcement of Title 42 so that we will turn people away at the border who have COVID rather than forcing this ridiculousness on the American people… And you know what? Only about 125 of my Republican colleagues have signed the petition yet. Where are the other 80 Republicans?”

The petition began April 20 and as of July 30, 149 Republican House members have signed it.

Earlier in the year, Roy asked on the House floor, “Why did Texas join the Union if the Union won’t defend it?” in a video the Texas Nationalist Movement has helped publicize. The movement, which calls for Texas to leave the Union, has grown since 2016, when delegates of the Texas Republican Party debated adding secessionist language to its platform.

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Bethany Blankley is a contributor to The Center Square.
Photo “Rep. Chip Roy” by Rep. Roy Press Office.





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4 Thoughts to “Texas Congressman Calls for Impeachment of Biden over Immigration Policy”

  1. Stacey Pauley

    Texas is having a statewide Impeach Biden Rally and Overpass Flag Wave on Saturday, October 30. Houston, DFW and San Antonio are on board so far with new cities likely to be added. You folks in Tennessee should do the same thing on the same day or come down here and party with us.


  2. Turbo

    remove him asap. our country is at stake.

  3. The calls for the Impeachment of ‘Biden” are huge but you won’t see reference to them in the media or on Big Tech platforms. Every cafe every gathering it is Impeach, Impeach, the topic, but reading the mass media you would think everything is hunky dory, and that is what they want everyone to think…that they individually are the only ones fed up with the rape and destruction of every bit of the fabric that is America. The cry across the land is and should be IMPEACH, IMPEACH!

  4. Dr Ken

    There is no doubt Biden is struggling cognitively. Competing with impeachment is the thought of enacting the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. The problem impeaching Biden though ushers in Kamala Harris who has shown she completely ill prepared for any executive position.
