Texas Supreme Court Orders Release of Shelley Luther After She Was Jailed for Trying to Reopen Her Salon


The Texas Supreme Court has ordered the release of Shelly Luther, the Dallas salon owner who was sent to jail for violating the state’s coronavirus stay-at-home order.

State District Judge Eric Moyé on Tuesday sentenced the owner of the Salon A La Mode to seven days behind bars for “disobeying a judge’s temporary restraining order prohibiting her from operating her salon,” according to CBS-DFW.

The judge told Luther that her actions were “selfish,” The Center Square reports.

The small business owner replied, “… feeding my kids is not selfish. So, sir, if you think the law’s more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision. But I am not going to shut the salon.”

The exchange between Judge Moyé and Luther – posted online almost immediately – went viral.

Heavy.com reports that Moyé is a “politically active Democrat” who has served on many Democratic campaigns and even acted as a Delegate to the 1992 Democratic National Convention.

On March 31, Texas Gov. Greg Abbot issued a stay-at-home executive order amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A clause in the order stated that anyone who didn’t comply with this order could be jailed. However, Abbot, who supported Luther, decided to change the clause Thursday morning.

“Throwing Texans in jail whose biz’s shut down through no fault of their own is wrong. I am eliminating jail for violating an order, retroactive to April 2, superseding local orders”, the governor tweeted. “Criminals shouldn’t be released to prevent COVID-19 just to put business owners in their place.”

When Luther went to jail, she also received support from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who offered to serve her remaining sentence under house arrest and pay her $7,000 fine. Furthermore, a gofundme account was set in support of Luther. This account has raised over $500,000 so far.

“Shelley Luther is an American Hero that has decided to resist tyranny by opening her business against an unlawful State Executive Order,” the GoFundme page says.

Paxton released a statement commending the court for releasing Luther.

“The Texas Supreme Court correctly addressed Ms. Luther’s excessive punishment and unnecessary jailing. No Texan should face imprisonment for peacefully resisting an order that temporarily closed a lawful business and drastically limited their ability to provide for their family through no fault of their own,” he said. “Texans must all work together to overcome this crisis, and ensuring freedom from excessive punishment is critical.”

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Star News Digital Media. If you have any tips, email Zachery at [email protected].







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3 Thoughts to “Texas Supreme Court Orders Release of Shelley Luther After She Was Jailed for Trying to Reopen Her Salon”

  1. Traditional Thinker

    Yet another failed attempt (coronavirus) brought to you by the liberals to remove the best president ever for the truth being exposed about the corrupt liberal media and liberal elitist deep state plan to destroy this nation. Using fear factor to control the population and experimenting with just how far they can go before we the people say far enough. Open the freaking salons and the country. Dont listen to the idiots who want to take your freedom

  2. William Delzell

    Yes, it is inconvenient to shut down barber shops and beauty salons. My hair is in need for a cut, but if it is a choice between endangerment by a coronavirus relapse and merely being inconvenienced by the lack of barber shops and salons, I would rather be inconvenienced for a little bit longer instead of sorry afterward. Barbers and salon operators are not as essential as health caregivers, food suppliers, bus drivers, ambulance drivers, and law enforcement. Make sure it’s safe for the general public before we reopen barber shops and salons.

  3. Horatio Bunce

    And….what about the consequences for the “law enforcement” and judge violating constitutional rights under color of law and false arrest?

    $500k raised that fast with 25% unemployment…people are fed up with this lawless dictatorship stuff and looking for an outlet. Good thing they are still only fighting with credit cards.
