The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh Told Metro Nashville School Board ‘No Mask Mandates’ Last Week


The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh of The Walsh Show confronted the Metro Nashville Public School Board last Tuesday night in Williamson County regarding the newly decided reimplementation of mask mandates for elementary students. Walsh in turn schooled the board with his speech of facts and referenced mask-wearing as a form of child abuse which gained cheers from other parents.


Matt Walsh: 

You the school board have decided that our kids should go to school all day, every day wearing muzzles like rabid dogs. I have listened to your arguments and I’ve noticed that they’re missing a few things, namely, evidence, data, science, common sense, and basic human decency. You presented no facts at all, so let me do that now. Here they are.

COVID poses almost no risk to our kids at all. 4.2 million children have tested positive for COVID. A total of .008 percent of them have died. What about the flu? The CDC estimates that 480 kids died from the flu in the 2018-2019 season.

That’s more than a die from COVID in a year and a half. Now, did anyone on this board suggest at any point that year that kids wear masks? Did anyone in this room suggest that at any point, anyone wear masks for flu?

Which, again, if you get, is more dangerous to kids than COVID. (Applause) That’s a fact. Do you know what it’s called when you force your children to wear masks for fear of a virus that poses almost no threat to them? It’s called child abuse. You want to look up a disease?

Look up Munchausen by Proxy, because that’s what this is. Now, do any of you know what sort of psychological damage we do to children by forcing them to cover their faces, teaching them that the air is toxic, that everyone around them is sick.

To deprive them of the ability to see each other’s faces. Do you know what kind of damage that does? Have you thought about it? Have you wondered about the health effects that force the kids to breathe through sweat and spit and dirt-soaked rags every single day?

Are you sure that there are no health risks? Do you know what the effect is on children developmentally if they’re not able to read each other’s facial cues? What about learning to read and they can’t see the teacher enunciating the words?

What does it do to a child’s developing immune system if you ask to wear a mask all day and every day? You’re satisfied to place this burden on children anyway. And why? It’s not to keep them safe. It’s not to keep the adult safe.

They can all get vaccinated if they want. No. You do it to make yourselves feel better and to protect yourselves politically.

(Inaudible talk) It’s a disgrace and you should all be ashamed. Thank you for your time. (Applause) 

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Image “Matt Walsh” by Matt Walsh.




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11 Thoughts to “The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh Told Metro Nashville School Board ‘No Mask Mandates’ Last Week”

  1. […] Went viral last month For a similar incident where he harassed the Metro Nashville Public School Board over a district […]

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  6. […] went viral last month after he confronted the Metro Nashville Public School Board over the district’s face mask mandate for elementary […]

  7. […] went viral last month after he confronted the Metro Nashville Public School Board over the district’s face mask mandate for elementary […]

  8. […] Daily Wire” commentator and writer spoke at the Nashville School Board meeting calling the mask mandates for students “cruel and […]

  9. Cannoneer2

    What standing or education does Matt have to even comment on it? It isn’t any of his business. And this has nothing to do with “Socialism”.

  10. Kevin

    GREAT JOB, Matt! You nailed it!

    It’s in the blue cities that we are going to fight, and win, this war being waged against our American culture. And by the way, welcome to the Socialist State of Nashville, and to the “resistance”. I’m sure we’ll see you around.

    1. Phyllis

      This is horrible and it’s another corrupt rule of the Democraps. They like the total control of Americans! We need to protect our freedom and save our country! We need to start by impeaching dictators Palosi and Schumer and the corrupt Biden administration! They have lied and cheated and stole and the election and have done nothing to help our country, but they have done so many things to destroy our lives and country! We need to stop them!
