The Tennessee Star Report: Listener Calls Pour in to Dispel National Polling Numbers and See the Enthusiasm Trump


Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed guest host Ben Cunningham to the show.

During the third hour, Leahy and Cunningham took listeners calls who didn’t believe national polls were correct and gave eye witness accounts of large Trump supporters at both rallies and polling places.

Leahy: We are with our good friend the official guest host of The Tennessee Star report Bend Cunningham. Ben, Carl was a pretty good caller I thought. You know, we’d like to have people who have different views especially Democrats who actually can articulate their viewpoints. He was pretty good at articulating his points.

Cunningham: Good guy good analyst. He’s obviously been around politics for a long time. He can separate himself from the numbers. Although I think he probably, we’re all in bubbles. Let’s admit that. We all tend to stay in our ideological bubbles. And I think he is in his ideological bubble. You know, Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina, I don’t think anybody at this point can say where those states are going. It’s still pretty much a toss-up. He’s seeing them going one way. I think they could easily go the other way. I don’t think it’s you know, we’re still in for a long long 19-day ride.

Leahy: A long 19-day ride followed by a long 30-40-day ride probably. Breaking news Ben. This could impact the election. We had yesterday breaking news from those emails of Hunter Biden setting up a deal where his business partner from Ukraine met with his father apparently. And you know, it belies the statements to the contrary made by his father. Here’s another one. China now. Headline: Emails Reveal How Hunter Biden Tried to Cash in Big on Behalf of Family With Chinese Firm.

The New York Post broke this story this morning at five o’clock eastern time. Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family.” Emails obtained by The Post show one email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017, with the subject line, expectations including details of remuneration packages for six people involved in an unspecified business venture. Biden was identified as vice-chair, depending on an agreement with the Shanghai-based conglomerate China Energy Company. Hmm.

Cunningham: Pretty amazing stuff. Hunter Biden is turning out to be a pretty extraordinary figure.

Leahy: The gift that keeps on giving to the Donald Trump campaign.

Cunningham: Absolutely. And it’s just amazing. Again, the press is an arm of the Democratic Party right now and it just is so obvious. And that those kinds of X factors, they’re not going to affect the base. The hardcore Democrats hate Donald Trump. They’re going to vote. They’re going to go through hell and high water to get out and vote against Donald Trump. That’s what this is about. It’s not about Joe Biden or Hunter Biden for them. But the swing voters, this could in fact affect the swing voters.

Leahy: Absolutely.

Cunnigham: No question about it.

Leahy: Terry from Charlotte wants to win about early voting. Terry, you’re on The Tennessee Star Report with Ben Cunningham and Michael Patrick Leahy.

Caller Terry: Well welcome. Yeah. My wife said yesterday in Dickson County that the parking lot was full all day. She said it was wrapped around the building in Dickson County. So Saturday morning, we’re going to have like a Trump rally in the parking lot. So it’s a hundred feet away from the polling booth. We’ll be fine.

Cunningham: Is there just one early voting location?

Terry: Yeah, just one.

Leahy: Where is it in Dickson County?

Terry: It’s at the library.

Leahy: Which city?

Terry: In Dixon.

Leahy: Head to the and Dickson, Tennessee library rally Saturday morning. There will be a Trump rally. Stay 100 feet away from the polling place. That’s the law. Right?

Terry: Yes. It is a law. and I don’t know if they’ll enforce it. But the other point is that there you’re not supposed to wear a mask in public buildings. (Leahy laughs)

Leahy: Now that’s funny. That’s funny.

Terry: So I don’t know if that’s going to be enforced or not. But it is when they have some problems there because most people that do not want to wear their masks.

Cunningham: What time did you say it was?

Terry: It will be at about nine o’clock.

Leahy: Nine o’clock at the Dickson, Tennessee public library. Make sure you stay 100 feet away. It’s a Trump rally, but make sure you stay more than 100 feet away from the polling place because that’s the law. And we always comply with the law don’t we Terry?

Terry: It’s actually a protest. Not protesting Trump.

Leahy: It’s got to be a protest so the officials will allow you to be there, right?

Terry: One more point I’d like to make here. I’m very concerned about Chris Wray, the FBI director. Supposedly he knew about this server since last December.

Leahy: This Hunter Biden email that just arrived in the New York Post story yesterday and again today Yeah, what’s Chris Wray doing?

Terry: Why did we have to wait for Guiliani to bring this out?

Leahy: Yeah, that is a very good point Terry and we appreciate your call. We have a lot of callers here. Brian in Orlando wants to talk about the elections. Brian, you’re on The Tennessee Star Report.

Caller Brian: I just want to comment. Down in Orlando, Florida on Sunday Donald Trump, Jr. came into the Orlando area. And just to give you an idea, the number of people that showed up for his son was just extraordinary. It poured. It was 98 degrees. One hundred percent humidity. Torrential rain. And not one person chose to leave. Everybody stayed to the very end.

He was spectacular. The turnout was an enormous amount of diversity of people that were there supporting them was just unbelievable. Monday at the Sanford event people were there at five o’clock in the morning waiting for 12-plus hours to see a president in 95-degree heat. Thousands and thousands and thousands of people who should be working or whatever are standing in line to support the president. And they are saying that he’s losing or he’s behind in the polls? Come on.

Leahy: So Brian you live in Orlando? Who will win Florida in your view on November 3?

Brian: I honestly believe based on people I know that are hardcore liberals that I work with choosing to vote for Biden, they can’t do it. They say they can’t do it. Anybody else they could but they can’t. And they have nothing to show for it. They have no proven track record. Other than by the way, I want to comment on Caller Carl. My health care insurance the company I work for I used to pay a $1,000 deductible.

My wife and myself we pay $8,000 for our deductible. We pay our weekly premium and we pay a copay and basically, I can’t use my insurance. You know, what we end up doing now? I end up going and paying cash for health care insurance. So let me tell you America, this guy Carl is lying to you. The polls are lying to you. Look around! Are you people that stupid? You got 50,000 people lined up for a person on the worst day in a hundred-degree heat for 12 hours.

Leahy: Brian, tell us what you really feel about who’s going to win down there. (Laughter) What’s the margin of Trump victory going to be in your view down in Florida?

Brian: It’s going to be a landslide. There is no question. We’re driving through neighborhoods that are Democratic and who would supposedly have Biden signs. There are Trump signs everywhere on cars and all these stickers. You would know when we see they say, Trump. Not Biden. Trump.

Leahy: Brian, thanks so much for that call. We’re going to go to Sam in Franklin now wants to talk a little bit about pulling this year. Sam, You’re on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy and Ben Cunningham.

Caller Sam: Hey guys. Good morning. Hang up then. I first met Ben 18 years ago at the Bellevue Shoney’s for a little reception for Congressman Ed Bryant when he was running for Fred Thompson’s seat. And that’s how I first see, you know, got involved and got interested in politics. And back when he was starting to Tennessee tax revolt.

Cunningham:  Well, we’re going back there Sam, right?

Sam: Yeah, so one of the things I want to talk about, you know, I think it’s important for everybody to not look at polls. But look at behavior and look at past elections. These polls are based on models that are not reflective of the electorate. And I mean if you look at Quinnipiac which was so wrong in Florida you know in the midterms in 2018. I mean, they had Gilliam and Nelson up by, you know, six, seven, eight points. They’re based on turnout models that Joe Biden’s going to turn out more youth vote. And more of his base then Obama did in ’08 and ’12. And I’ll give you an example where I think the Democrats are really going to hurt this cycle. It’s with the youth vote.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Trump Rally” by Dan Scavino.





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