Three U.S. Representatives From Georgia and Tennessee Say Joe Biden Must Resign After Afghanistan Catastrophe


Three members of Congress who represent Georgia and Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives said Monday that U.S. President Joe Biden must resign from office.

This, after Biden decided to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

U.S. Representative Jody Hice (R-GA-10) told The Star News by email that Biden should vacate his position.

“The catastrophe unfolding in Afghanistan will go down as one of the most shameful foreign policy disasters in American history, and the responsibility for this debacle falls squarely on President Joe Biden,” Hice said.

“His utter incompetence has doomed millions of Afghans to the Taliban’s tyrannical rule and debased 20 years of tremendous sacrifice by American military personnel.”

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) (pictured above) said via email that Biden should resign.

Rep. Green’s press secretary told The Tennessee Star in an email on Monday, “Rep. Green believes President Biden should resign.”

Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) also told The Star News on Monday that Biden needs to go.

“The way the withdrawal from Afghanistan has played out is an absolute travesty. This is President Biden’s fault and it didn’t have to happen this way. As the world watched this crisis unfold, President Biden was nowhere to be found. His continued weakness has allowed the Taliban to retake Afghanistan and has stranded Americans and our Afghani allies alike,” Harshbarger said.

“With failures like this, many will find it hard to trust the United States going forward. President Obama’s former defense secretary once said that Biden has been wrong about every major foreign policy decision in the last four decades, and this continues to be true. Given this, Biden should resign.”

The Star News contacted each member of Tennessee’s and Georgia’s Congressional delegations Monday, but not all of them replied. The ones who did answer stated the following, via email:

• U.S. Representative Austin Scott (R-GA-08): Members of Scott’s staff referred us to his tweet on Sunday in which he said “@SpeakerPelosi must call Congress back now. Tough questions need to be asked and answered. Anything else is nothing other than partisan protection of Biden regardless of the consequences to America.”

• U.S. Representative Buddy Carter (R-GA-01): Carter said in a statement that “this is President Biden’s Saigon. Americans are witnessing the failure of his leadership and his weakness on the world stage. President Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan is an unmitigated disaster that lacked planning, forethought, and strategy. It squandered 20 years of service and sacrifice of our brave servicemen and women. It effectively torched trillions of taxpayer dollars. But worst of all it was completely avoidable. The damage is done and Biden is to blame.”

• U.S. Representative David Scott (R-GA-13): Scott said by email that the United States “has a moral imperative and humanitarian duty to facilitate a safe evacuation and resettlement for vulnerable Afghans fleeing unimaginable horrors at the hands of the Taliban and to provide protection for Afghan partners who have helped us.”

• U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02): Burchett’s staff referred The Star News to his tweet Monday in which he said “President Biden was clear in his speech: he wants credit for getting American troops out of Afghanistan without taking responsibility for his sloppy withdrawal. You can’t blame everyone but yourself and then claim, the buck stops with me.’”

• U.S. Representative David Kustoff (R-TN-08): Kustoff said in a statement that “Biden’s strategy in Afghanistan, and lack thereof, has put many innocent lives at risk and has enabled the Taliban to enact complete chaos and brutal violence. These last few days and today in Afghanistan resemble the fall of Saigon, a dark time in American and international history. It is evident that there was no clear American strategy from the Biden Administration to wind down American troops from Afghanistan. Without a doubt, there has been a clear dereliction of duty and responsibility demonstrated by President Biden and members of his administration. Because of President Biden’s poor planning and lack of leadership, the world is a much more dangerous place today.”

Claire Hurley, spokeswoman for U.S. Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA-09), said the congressman “does not have [a] comment at this time, but we will reach out if that changes.

U.S. Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ-02) told FOX News this past weekend that Biden and several other Democrat leaders must resign due to the events in Afghanistan.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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20 Thoughts to “Three U.S. Representatives From Georgia and Tennessee Say Joe Biden Must Resign After Afghanistan Catastrophe”

  1. Karen Bracken

    If Biden leaves we will end up with yet another enemy, Kamal Harris. She must go too BECAUSE she is NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. And for anyone that cares it is easily proven. BOTH of her parents were foreign students here in the US under a temporary student Visa. So that makes Kamal an anchor baby citizen. She is not a natural born citizen. If Congress had a spine or cared one bit about America they would be screaming this from the roof tops but they are ALL cowards and that include Green and every Republican. Sen. Toomey from PA said she was NBC because she was born in American. And this is just an example of idiots we have holding elected office. Harris AND Biden need to be removed and the rightful President sworn into office. Both Harris and Biden need to be charged with fraud and treason.

  2. Charles

    Is there a reason why these congressmen aren’t drawing up articles of impeachment?

    1. Karen Bracken

      How are you going to get him impeached when the Democrats have the majority in the House. Will never happen. People need to do some research on how impeachment works.

  3. Kem

    Biden just pulled treason on tv in front of the world and no one has said shit about it , bringing the enemy to our home,give them everything free ,when we Americans have to fuss ,cuss, raise all kinds of hell just to get what the government is taking from Americas that is rightfully ours

  4. Jax

    Trump made the deal with the Taliban it falls squarely up on his shoulders. These people who say Biden screwed up also the same people who don’t want to have any Afghan refugees enter America we can see where their true alliances lie. They truly don’t care about the humanity they are using it for a political Cudgel

    1. Karen Bracken

      Why don’t you get your facts straight. Trump had a strategic plan that included getting our troops out and then our equipment and then destroying the bases. So sorry to upset your party but this is all on Biden. There is no reason to bring those people to the US. This is more of Obama’s plan to get more Muslims in our country. The people coming are fighting age men. There are safe bases all over the Middle East they could take these people. No need to bring them here. Your blind ignorance is showing. Perhaps you should stop watching CNN and do some research on your own.

    2. Frank List

      Nice try, but no, your “Blame Trump or you’re a racist” card has no traction here.

      Trump’s plan was clear: civilians first, protrcted by troops, then the BILLIONS of $ of hardware and secret high technologies, then destruction of any US military assets as the troops perform a rear/guard withdrawal.

      Dont you guys EVER give up on the race card, even when it makes you look ridiculous?

  5. 83ragtop50

    Biden never has been the real president – the one calling the shots. I have no idea who has their hand up his behind pulling the strings but that person or persons are bent on destroying America.

  6. Kimberly

    Seems to me you people aren’t happy with anyone President Biden isn’t God he can only do what he can,
    Is sad yes but we can’t protect the Afghan people forever.

    1. Karen Bracken

      Trump had a strategic plan that would have saved our citizens, our equipment and the Afghan people and Biden chose not to follow the plan. Biden is an empty suit. This has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

  7. william delzell

    To these Congress representatives who criticize Biden’s decision to pull out of Afganistan: are these men and women willing to risk their own lives (or their children’s lives) in Afganistan? That region has not been called the destroyer of European empires for nothing. The British learned this the hard way during the Crimean War, just as the Russians would learn this same lesson during the eighties. Since the Right shares much of the Taliban’s hostility toward human rights, their criticism falls on my deaf ears. Don’t force somebody other than yourselves to take risks in our reckless foreign adventures until you volunteer yourselves for frontline duty!

    1. Steadman L

      Absolutely correct.

  8. larry0555

    That would be a big mistake because then we would be stuck with Harris who by the way would support him leaving. Who know who would be her VP. Probably one of the squad idiots.

    1. Truthy McTruthFace

      wouldnt nasty nancy get promoted? like jerry ford did back in the 70s?

  9. LM

    The “Afghanistan catastrophe” is just getting started. Many countries – including China – are watching and waiting. Our installed government is up to some sinister dealings. That any of them are surprised about what is happening is a complete farce.

  10. Tony sharpe

    Why wasn’t these idiots requesting Trumps resignation when he signed his so called treaty which required troop pull out?

    1. nicky wicks

      if you are really as ignorant as to believe that this quick fall to the taliban would have happened under trump then there is truly no helping you.

      1. Melissa Pettus


      2. Becky Hamilton

        Trump negotiated with THE TALIBAN for our withdrawal from Afghanistan which was planned o take place in MAY. Weren’t you paying attention when your adored Orange fascist traitor sold that country out along with all the American soldiers who have died there or have been permanently maimed fighting in Afghanistan? The blame lies solely with Trump and his treaty directly with the Taliban. Check your facts instead of getting them fed to you by Fox!

      3. Diane

        Stop with all the crap. Trump put this plan in motion by making a so called deal with the Taliban and not including Afghan government. We should have not been there in the first place. After 9/11, America should went inside the job the were sent for and got out. Afghan people have to be willing to fight. Trump reduce the troop present down significantly before he left guys need to get your heads out of each other’s rear end. Trump had already made a mess with he agree all troops out by May 1.
