TikTok Permanently Blacklists PragerU

by Catherine Smith


Prager University, founded by radio host Dennis Prager, has been permanently blacklisted from Chinese-owned social media app TikTok.

“Tik Tok has permanently banned PragerU from its platform for ‘multiple violations’ of their community guidelines,” PragerU wrote in a tweet on Thursday. “This is blatant censorship.” The organization started a petition over TikTok’s blacklisting.

TikTok is the latest tech platform to censor PragerU.  The group has already faced censorship from other Big Tech platforms including Facebook, Spotify, and YouTube.

Last year, Facebook buried PragerU’s page and “reduced distribution” of its posts claiming that the group has engaged in “repeated sharing of false news.” According to Breitbart, the decision came after a fact check of a PragerU video about polar bears by Facebook third-party fact-checker Climate Feedback.

Breitbart News also reported in 2018 that Facebook claimed that a 99.9999 percent drop in engagement on PragerU’s page was the result of an “employee error.”

Breitbart also reported in 2019, Spotify banned advertisements from PragerU on its platform, writing an email to the conservative group stating that “the content of the ads do not comply with our editorial policies.”

“On further review of your website, there are additional compliance concerns with the content of the site which listeners of the ads are directed to,” Spotify added. “Our policy team has made the decision to stop all existing ads and not approve any new ads coming through in the future.”

Google-owned YouTube has also censored PragerU, placing 80 of their 400 videos on a “restricted list,” according to the organization’s founder, Dennis Prager.

The restricted mode feature is used in order to block videos that have been deemed inappropriate, such as pornography or violence, “so that kids in libraries and schools can’t see them,” said Prager.

PragerU filed a lawsuit against YouTube and Google in 2017 over alleged censorship of their videos, according to the report.

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Catherine Smith reports for American Greatness.






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One Thought to “TikTok Permanently Blacklists PragerU”

  1. M. Flatt

    What are these “Community Guidelines”, and how are they being violated?
    I am confused about this notion. If these are the things “the community” desires to censor, it shows what sort of “community” the editors desire.
