Tim Ryan, Who Was Once Pro-Life, Says He Would Have Pro-Choice ‘Litmus Test’ for SCOTUS Nominees


Ohio Democrat and 2020 presidential candidate Tim Ryan said on Thursday that he would “most definitely” have a Roe v. Wade “litmus test” for Supreme Court nominees, were he to become president.

“If you’re president, would you essentially have a Roe litmus test for judges?” host Chuck Todd asked on MSBNC’s “Meet the Press” Thursday night.

“Yeah. Yeah, I would. Most definitely. Pure and simple. At this moment in history, people can try to dance around it. I will have someone who will protect Roe v. Wade. No question about it,” Ryan responded.

Ryan has been particularly vocal about his pro-choice positions as of late, especially after Alabama passed what Democrats are calling “the most extreme anti-choice measure in the country.”

“Absolutely appalling move from lawmakers in Alabama,” Ryan said in response to the news. “This would effectively ban all abortions—including cases of rape and incest, punish women, and threaten doctors. Government has no place in this conversation.”

“Under the Alabama abortion ban, doctors could spend more time in prison for providing abortions to women who were raped than the actual rapists,” Ryan later said. “What is wrong with these people?”

Ryan hasn’t always been pro-choice, though. In fact, he identified as pro-life for most of his career in politics up until he switched sides in 2015. According to Time, Ryan published an op-ed that year in the Akron Beacon Journal explaining the change.

“These women gave me a better understanding of how complex and difficult certain situations can become,” Ryan wrote at the time after meeting with female voters across Ohio. “And while there are people of good conscience on both sides of this argument, one thing has become abundantly clear to me: the heavy hand of government must not make this decision for women and families.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photos by Meet the Press.





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