Tom Cotton: Donald Trump’s Stance on DACA, Immigration Remains Unchanged

Tennessee Star

Sen. Tom Cotton said Tuesday that President Trump’s position on DACA or immigration issues has not shifted throughout the negotiations process despite what Democrats may say. “The president’s position has not shifted, and has not been hidden. The president’s position has been clear all along,” Mr. Cotton, Arkansas Republican, said on Fox News.

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One Thought to “Tom Cotton: Donald Trump’s Stance on DACA, Immigration Remains Unchanged”

  1. 83ragtop50

    I am afraid Senator Cotton is in err on this topic. President Trump repeatedly stated during his campaign that he wanted DACA ENDED on the first day of his administration. It is now a year later and it has not ended and the President is signaling strongly that he would welch on that promise and agree to a law that will let them remain in America with some kind of legal status. We citizens have been lied to once again.
