Tom Zawistowski: Activist Judges Should Be Impeached

Many conservatives are critical of activist judges, but not enough are concerned that they’re committing impeachable offenses, says Ohio grassroots conservative activist Tom Zawistowski.

In an interview with The Tennessee Star at Saturday’s Spirit of America Rally, Zawistowski said Congress has the authority to impeach federal judges who aren’t doing their jobs. While few judges have actually been impeached and convicted, it’s something the Constitution allows for and should be exercised when necessary, he said.

“Their job is to interpret the law, not make law. They’re out of control,” he said. “An activist judge is like a pilot who is supposed to fly you from Nashville to Dallas but decides to fly the plane to San Francisco because they think San Francisco is a better destination for you.”

Zawistowski said the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was out of bounds in blocking President Trump’s ban restricting travel from seven Muslim-majority countries. Likewise, judges who have ruled in favor of gay marriage are making things up out of whole cloth, he said.

“It’s based on their ideology,” he said. “That’s an impeachable offense.”

Change won’t happen unless conservatives become better educated about the issues and the Constitution and take action, he said. “We the people are the only ones who can fix this, but we have to raise awareness.”

In Ohio, Zawistowski is also involved in efforts to ensure that not only people who are independently wealthy are able to run for office. That too, he said, is part of restoring representative government.

Zawistowski said he was happy to be at the rally Saturday to thank Trump supporters in Tennessee for helping to get out the vote in Ohio and other states critical in the 2016 election.

“I have tremendous respect for the patriots in Tennessee,” he said.



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One Thought to “Tom Zawistowski: Activist Judges Should Be Impeached”

  1. […] In an interview with The Tennessee Star at Saturday’s Spirit of America Rally, Zawistowski said Congress has the authority to impeach federal judges who aren’t doing their jobs. While few judges have actually been impeached and convicted, it’s something the Constitution allows for and should be exercised when necessary, he said. More>> […]
