Top-Level Democrat Party Member Says Marsha Blackburn Is ‘Inbred Racist Trash’


One of the Democratic Party’s top grassroots organizers, who once worked for Hillary Clinton, this week took to Twitter and described U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) as “inbred racist trash.”

That man, Adam Parkhomenko, of McLean, VA. then told Blackburn to “f*** off.”

All this because Blackburn, in a tweet of her own, criticized Black Lives Matter.

“The life of every African American matters. But Black Lives Matter is a 501 (c)(3) organization run by ‘trained Marxists.’ We cannot allow our great country to be destroyed under the pretense of social justice,” Blackburn wrote.

Parkhomenko, according to his LinkedIn page, joined Donna Brazile’s transition team at the Democratic National Committee in September 2016. Brazile appointed him to serve as the DNC’s national field director for the general election.

“Parkhomenko was co-founder and executive director of Ready for Hillary, a grassroots effort that organized millions of Americans on behalf of Secretary Clinton. In early April 2015, Parkhomenko joined Clinton’s official campaign as Director of Grassroots Engagement. Secretary Clinton also named him Director for the Maryland and District of Columbia primaries, which she won by 30 and 58 points, respectively,” Parkhomenko’s LinkedIn said.

“Prior to founding Ready for Hillary, Parkhomenko worked for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and in several roles for Secretary Clinton dating back to 2003.”

This is not the first time members of the political left have hurled vile insults at Blackburn.

As reported in 2018, a senior Google software engineer who oversees a key component of the search engine called U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn a “violent thug” and a “terrorist.”

As The Tennessee Star reported in 2018, U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, (D-TN-09) compared Blackburn to The Waterboy. Adam Sandler portrayed the character in a movie more than 20 years ago. In the movie, The Waterboy’s real name is Bobby Boucher. Boucher, according to IMBD, is “a socially inept, stuttering, simpleton” with hidden anger issues “due to constant teasing and excessive sheltering by his overbearing and domineering mother.”

Also that year, Cohen publicly said Blackburn would jump off the Harahan Bridge in Memphis if U.S. President Donald Trump instructed her to do so.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Adam Parkhomenko” by Adam Parkhomenko. 








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30 Thoughts to “Top-Level Democrat Party Member Says Marsha Blackburn Is ‘Inbred Racist Trash’”

  1. William Delzell

    She, Nancy Reagan, and Hillary Clinton are all racists.

    1. Steve Allen

      William, Leftists continually accuse others of the behavior they them selves are guilty of…….so I guess that makes you a racist.

  2. Cheryl Brown

    Using the racist rhetoric is the only thing he has, he knows she’s not a racist. Like someone said earlier, she must have hit a nerve!! Marsha Blackburn is a rock and she will speak the truth whether you like it or not! Well I guess he didn’t like it!

  3. Grant Robinson

    PS he even looks like and idiot.

  4. Grant Robinson

    Just like most demoncrats, this is another one to point a finger at a conservative and attach a label to someone so superior to them that the only thing the can do is to call nasty names and make sexist and/or racial slurs and then claim a superior position. What they have never learned is that when they point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at them. Of course they are so dumb and rabid with it, that they can’t understand this whole logic thing. and in just about every case, they are more corrupt, immoral, unethical and bigger pieces of crap than those they accuse. Ergo his inane comments about Marsha.

  5. CCW

    The flag of northern virginia has changed. It is no longer the stars and bars. No, it is the hammer and sickle fit for the preponderance of bolsheviks who live and operate there.

    1. james bellar

      his abundance of haio affected his brain.

    2. james bellar

      need some antifa activity in those fancy suburbs
