Travel Documents Show Sharp Increase in Out-of-Town Trips for Mayor Barry and Bodyguard-Lover Forrest

Travel documents released to WSMV News4 by the Mayor’s Office show that out-of-town travel by Megan Barry with only the head of her security detail, former MNPD Sargent Rob Forrest, spiked after their affair began in 2016.

During the first nine months in office spanning September 2015 through June 2016, the Mayor and her bodyguard traveled together only two times, and included additional city staff.

However, from June 2016 through October 2017, Barry and Forrest took 26 trips, 10 of which were without any other staff.

In her first statements about it, Mayor Barry – a Democrat – said her illicit affair with Forrest began “in the Spring of 2016” and that currently “it’s over,” refusing to state exactly when their relationship ended.

Mayor Barry’s Communications Director Sean Braisted told WSMV News4 the addition of a security detail and frequency of trips with Sgt. Forrest came at the recommendation of the Metro Nashville Police Department and Chief Steve Anderson.

Braisted said in a statement:

You will see a security detail traveled sporadically with Mayor Barry until mid-to-late 2016. This was based on the recommendations of the Police Department that Mayor Barry have police detail on all official business trips, increases in terrorist attacks and mass shootings both domestic and international, and because we had an opportunity to learn what worked best in terms of logistics for travel.



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8 Thoughts to “Travel Documents Show Sharp Increase in Out-of-Town Trips for Mayor Barry and Bodyguard-Lover Forrest”

  1. Bill

    Worried about Mass shootings and terrorist attacks? And so Barry needed to have a paid sex partner to combat terrorism? That’s a good idea NPD. In case there’s gun play, drop your panties? What’s next? Having escorts ride with law enforcement? In case theres a bank robbery, stop at the nearest hotel and have relations? Same correlation is it not? Who would single out a mayor anyway? What are they gonna do, hold Barry hostage and make nashvillians pay a hefty price for her release? The only hostage are nashvillians and the terrorist are the liberals. You could shake a tree and a thousand Barry’s would hit the ground anyway.

  2. Not My Mayor

    The Nashville Scene is great for sopping up overflow in the men’s room. ( true story)

  3. TheRandyGuy

    What a sad situation, yet if you research her husband and his activities as a professor, it makes you wonder if this affair was a surprise to him or did he approve of it? She needs to go and NPD needs actual ethics rules.

  4. Brian McMurphy

    This warrants pointing out. This week’s Nashville Scene is out today and there are no stories on the website related to their Mayor at all listed for this week. Despite deep connections with both Barrys, not even an interview or the slightest curiosity.

    The cover story, which the entire staff contributed to, plumbs the depths of Nashville’s connection to the tv show “The Bachelor”.

    The Pith site only contains a few posts filled with commenters attacking the potential cost of an investigation, impugning the motives and relevance of any “activist” blacks who spoke out against her and that no one demanded Bill Boner retire. *sniff*

    Seemingly unaware that Bill Boner was also a Democrat and that they gave gained no moral high ground in 30 years.

    1. Eric

      There are at least two stories about Barry on the NS website. I looked. BTW, I am no fan of that rag or Mayor Barry.

      1. Brian McMurphy

        I was referring to the print edition that came out today. Naturally, it is online before they deliver the hard copies around noon on Thursdays. They blend their PITW and Nashville Cream blog posts on the front page of their website and I mentioned those.

        Point being, the biggest mayoral scandal in quite a while and it doesn’t warrant a story in the weekly paper edition or any attempt at pursuing their own investigation.

        1. Brian McMurphy

          Just got the paper copy this morning. There is a blurb in the “City Limits” column. Its more about how the local media broke the story.

          It repeats week old quotes from the first day. No original reporting.

          There are, however, 5 pages dedicated to The Bachelor with no less than 4 writers capturing the lives, loves, losses and hopes of the very real people at the forefront of this compelling game show.

  5. John J.

    The affair “ended” when she got caught! The only thing that she regrets, is getting caught!

    So, if the Transit referendum fails, will Mayor Barry blame the Russians for colluding with the No Tax 4 Tracks coalition? As crazy as it seems, for all we know, Mayor Barry has been “jet setting” around the world, like Hillary, with an unsecured computer, trying to rig the transit referendum vote!

    Maybe I have a vivid imagination, or maybe MMB was following in her idol’s path. We’ll know for sure when dead bodies start mysteriously showing up.
