Trump Calls on Polling Firm to Show How CNN, NBC Polls Are ‘Fake,’ ‘Under-Polling Republicans’


President Donald Trump announced on Twitter Monday that he recruited McLaughin & Associates, a “highly respected pollster,” to explain why two recent polls from CNN and NBC are “fake.”

A Monday CNN poll had President Trump trailing Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 14 points, while an NBC poll claimed Trump was down by seven.

“I have retained highly respected pollster, McLaughlin & Associates, to analyze today’s CNN poll (and others), which I felt were FAKE based on the incredible enthusiasm we are receiving. This is the same thing they and others did when we defeated crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016,” the president said. “They are called SUPPRESSION POLLS, and are put out to dampen enthusiasm. Despite 3 and a half years of phony Witch Hunts, we are winning, and will close it out on November 3rd!”

The president released a memo he received from McLaughin & Associates, which states that the “latest skewed media polls must be intentional.”

“It’s clear that NBC, ABC and CNN who have Democrat operatives like Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos and other Democrats in their news operations are consistently under-polling Republicans and therefore, reporting biased polls. They continue to poll adults or registered voters that skew away from likely voters. So instead of the 33 percent Republican turnout which actually happened in 2016, they are reporting polls on only 26 percent, 25 percent or even 24 percent Republicans,” the polling firm said in its memo to the president.

McLaughlin repeatedly criticizes both polls for what seems like a deliberate undersampling of Republicans.

“In contrast CBS polled likely voters. CBS had 32 percent Republicans and a close national race. The bias seems to be an intentional strategy to suppress your vote. The latest media spin is that it’s too late to define Joe Biden and it’s too late for President Trump to win. We can hardly wait until they start spinning a ‘Biden electoral lock.’ It has to be a strategy to counter the enthusiasm of Trump voters,” the memo continues.

Only 25 percent of respondents in the CNN poll and 26 percent in the ABC poll identified as Republicans, the memo notes.

“It’s a poll of 1,259 adults – not even registered voters, let alone likely voters. Also, it was done between June 2 and 5, before the great economic news from last Friday,” the memo says of the CNN poll. “In their questionnaire between asking about your job approval and the ballot, they had questions on issues including race relations, not job creation, which could have biased the poll further. It appears that the CNN poll is biased in both sample and questionnaire design to manufacture an anti-Trump outcome.”

According to McLaughin, the NBC poll also surveyed only “registered voters, not likely voters.”

“Again this shorts Republicans about seven points from the 2016 exit polls which had 33 percent Republicans. This poll was done May 28 through June 2 and would not have Friday’s great jobs impact,” says the memo.

It concludes by saying the “refusal to screen actual likely voters is creating an under-polling of Republicans and therefore Trump voters.”

“It seems intentional. It’s exactly what the media did in 2016. Let’s prove them wrong again.”

The full memo to the president can be viewed here.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].







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One Thought to “Trump Calls on Polling Firm to Show How CNN, NBC Polls Are ‘Fake,’ ‘Under-Polling Republicans’”

  1. Julie

    The media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
