Trump Campaign Says the ‘Facts Prove the President Did Nothing Wrong’

US Pres. Trump and Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky


President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign released a statement Wednesday morning calling the impeachment efforts “just another hoax from Democrats and the media.”

As reported here, the White House released a full, unredacted transcript of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky early Wednesday morning. House Democrats, however, announced the launch of their formal impeachment inquiry Tuesday night, before the full transcript was released.

Democrats claim that the phone call shows President Trump pressured a foreign government to investigate a political opponent, Joe Biden. But Republicans believe the president did nothing wrong, and predict that the Democrats’ impeachment effort will “blow up” in their faces.

“Because of their pure hatred for President Trump, desperate Democrats and the salivating media already had determined their mission: take out the President. The fact is that the President wants to fight the corruption in Washington, where the Bidens, the Clintons, and other career politicians have abused their power for personal gain for decades,” said Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale. “The facts prove the President did nothing wrong. This is just another hoax from Democrats and the media, contributing to the landslide re-election of President Trump in 2020.”

The Republican National Committee called the release of the transcript a “step of unprecedented transparency,” saying President Trump “called the Democrats’ bluff.”

“The transcript revealed there was absolutely no quid pro quo, nothing inappropriate was mentioned on the call, and no threats were made. This is yet another example of Democrats and the media completely getting over their skis in an effort to further their political vendetta against President Trump,” the RNC added.

The RNC points out that there was “no mention of any U.S. aid package to Ukraine at all on the call,” despite Democrats claiming Trump threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine.

“Like we saw with the Democrats’ Russia collusion smear, there is no there there with President Trump and Ukraine,” the RNC concluded. “The push by Democrats for President Trump’s impeachment is going to blow up in their face.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].







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One Thought to “Trump Campaign Says the ‘Facts Prove the President Did Nothing Wrong’”

  1. Milt

    I have read both the transcript and the whistle blower complaint. What strikes me having been a former government worker is that the whistle blower letter is based on heresay information. Furthermore, this letter appears to be written by a team of people not an individual. I would compare the letter against other works of the whistleblower to see if the writing style matches. Furthermore the complaint is to polished and looks like another work of Never Trumper.
