Trump-Endorsed Pennsylvania GOP Senate Hopeful Dr. Oz Reveals Family Secret Behind His Dual Citizenship

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, covered a Bristol, Pennsylvania, town hall held by Trump-endorsed GOP Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz. At the event, the heart surgeon and former TV star addressed questions about his dual citizenship with Turkey.


McCabe: Critics of Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate [former] President Donald J. Trump endorsed in the May 17th primary, are piling onto the heart surgeon and former TV star about his dual citizenship with Turkey.

The Star News Network joined Oz at a recent town hall event in Bristol, where he took the issue straight-on. The town hall was hosted by talk radio’s “Godzilla of Truth,” John Fredericks, and he was joined by the former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson. After remarks, Oz opened the floor to questions.

Woman: How do you feel about dual citizenship with other countries? Especially being a civil servant, as you would be as a senator?

Oz: Thank you for asking the question. The reason this is coming up is because of my opponent making a big deal about the fact that I was born in this country but my father and mother, as I mentioned, were Turkish immigrants.

Yes, Every Kid

McCabe: Oz said the only way he could keep control of his mother’s health care was to keep his dual citizenship, but he would give it up.

Oz: If I’m elected, if I’m honored to be allowed to be serving you, I will give up my Turkish citizenship before I were to serve in the senate.

McCabe: Members of the audience were shocked, and they protested that Oz should not have to take that step.

Oz: I know I shouldn’t have to, and I can love my mom and I can love my country at the same time. Thanks for being honest and asking the question.

McCabe: Reporting for The Star News Network, Neil W, McCabe, Bristol, Pennsylvania.


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