Trump Issues Statement Supporting Mother of Fallen U.S. Marine Who Criticized Biden for Response and Disrespect at Ceremony Receiving Bodies of Service Members Killed in Terrorist Attack


Shana Chappell, the mother of U.S. Marine Kareem Nikoui who was killed in the deadly terrorist attack in Afghanistan, slammed President Joe Biden for his response to the families of the fallen soldiers.

In a social media post, Chappell called out Biden for “disrespect,” describing that Biden repeatedly checked his watch as the bodies of the victims of the deadly explosion were carried off a plane.

“After I lay my son to rest you will be seeing me again!” Chappell said in a post in which Biden was tagged. “Remember I am the one who stood five inches from your face and was letting you know I would never get to hug my son again, hear his laugh and then you tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story.”

According to Chappell, after Biden interrupted her, he rolled his eyes and threw his hand up as he walked away.

However, Chappell is not the only family member of the slain military members that expressed frustration over Biden’s reaction.

According to a report from the Washington Post, the family of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum described their conversation with Biden as “scripted and shallow,” adding that the conversation demonstrated “total disregard to the loss of our Marine — our brother, son, husband and father.”

In Chappell’s social media post, she went on to blame Biden for the loss of her son. “You are no leader of any kind! You are a weak human being and a traitor,” she said.

Former President Trump on Tuesday agreed with the Gold Star mother.

“Shana, you are 100% correct. If I were President, your wonderful and beautiful son Kareem would be with you now, and so would the sons and daughters of others, including all of those who died in the vicious Kabul airport attack. Civilians should have been brought out first, along with our $85 billion of equipment, with the Military coming out very safely after all was clear. I love you, and I love Kareem,” he said in a statement.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Image “Donald J. Trump” by Donald J. Trump and “Shana Chappell and son Kareem Nikoui” by Shana Chappell.






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11 Thoughts to “Trump Issues Statement Supporting Mother of Fallen U.S. Marine Who Criticized Biden for Response and Disrespect at Ceremony Receiving Bodies of Service Members Killed in Terrorist Attack”

  1. Delphine Davis

    I don’t why everyone’s blameing president Biden for what’s going on this mess was going on before Biden got in the white house Trump started all this mess and Bush so yall blame they not Biden

    1. Barbara Wilson

      Are you deaf And dumb Or have you been brain washed by to criminal administration. Do you not know that China is blackmailing Biden in following their lead. Biden and son took a lot of bribes $$ and still are.

    2. Steve

      You seem to forget Obama was there as well, the withdrawal should have been planned out better, we should not have just left, when you move you know the date, you move you stuff and family correct, you wouldn’t want the enemy to be able to use your equipment against you or you friends would you? This operation should not be any different, this should have been planned out to coordinate with our allies, and the many Americans who are still left over there.

    3. Gary

      Trump did not start all of this ,do your home work

    4. Alison Toles

      You blame Trump and Bush for this mess, but if I recall correctly wasn’t Obama after Bush and before Trump? If we’re passing out blame shouldn’t he be included or are we only blaming the president that love this country and want to put it first. I actually feel sorry for Biden, because he is a puppet and the Democrats are pulling his strings, and unfortunately our military and this country are the ones paying the price.

  2. A military mom and wife

    My heart goes out to all the families of the fallen. Biden is the person who cheated our rightful President out if office and all of America is suffering for it. God bless these families and help them find peace in their heart. Hoping Biden never sleeps at night know people know the blood of these heros are on his hands

    1. Barbara Wilson

      Biden just stood back and let Nancy handle the fraud of election. She is evil. She is so rich she thinks she is untouchable. She thinks but karma will catch up to her. As she screams in Hell do not have sympathy for her. She is getting her just reward.

  3. Don Thompson

    Bring back our leader Donald Trump

  4. Jeff Baker

    If President Donald Trump had still been in charge there wouldn’t have been any reason to waived the report. But then that’s the meaning of a True President instead of a want to be President like Joe Biden, to me HE’S about the sorriest human being to ever SHIT behind a pair of shoes.

    1. Martha Recknagle

      I AGREE WITH YOU I have never seen a worthless human for PRESIDENT as we have today. I will be glad to see him out of office. He is destroying AMERICA and the American people
