Trump Turns Down Nikki Haley Meeting Request

by Catherine Smith


Donald Trump this week refused to meet his former ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

Politico’s Playbook reported details of the meeting requested by the prospective 2024 presidential candidate, citing a “source familiar” with the incident, according to Breitbart.

Haley criticized Trump extensively in an interview with Politico’s Tim Alberta for a magazine cover story on her political future. The former diplomat even suggested that Trump’s political relevance was over.

“I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture. I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far,” she said. “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him.”

However, after the Politico interview was published, Haley blamed the “liberal media” in a Wall Street Journal op-ed for trying to divide Republicans, Breitbart reported.

“The media playbook starts with the demand that everyone pick sides about Donald Trump—either love or hate everything about him,” she wrote.

Haley has not officially announced an expected campaign for president in 2024 but a recent poll suggests she may have a hard time getting the Republican nomination without the support of Trump, according to the report.

Trump currently has 53 percent support, while Haley only has six percent support in a poll conducted by Morning Consult.

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Catherine Smith reports for American Greatness.







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6 Thoughts to “Trump Turns Down Nikki Haley Meeting Request”

  1. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Haley has turned out to be a huge disappointment. When she was governor of SC, it looked like she might have a bright future, but it turns out she’s just another self-serving pol who will say and do whatever seems most likely to curry favor with the MSM. Good-bye, Nikki…and good riddance!

  2. CMinTN

    John Bolton in a skirt…#NeverNikki

  3. Tim Price

    Go to Hell Haley. You have crapped your bed!

  4. Randall Davidson

    Absolutely no way I’d vote for Nikki Haley.

  5. 83ragtop50

    Haley just needs to crawl back under her hypocritical rock and stay there. To say that she is an opportunist would be a big understatement.

  6. Ms Independent

    Haley another rhino disappointment.
