Two House Democrats Ask Their Voters to Support Liz Cheney in Primary

by Eric Lendrum


Two Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives are publicly asking Democratic voters in Wyoming to vote for Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) in her upcoming primary, as she faces likely defeat at the hands of a pro-Trump challenger.

According to the Daily Wire, Congressmen Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) and Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) made their appeals to Wyoming Democrats in online campaign ads this week, voicing their support for Cheney’s re-election.

“Liz Cheney and I don’t agree on everything,” says Malinowski in a Facebook ad. “But we’re on the same side today, fighting for a country where we settle our differences by voting, not violence. Wyoming Democrats can put country over party too by registering to vote for her in the Republican primary.”

Phillips made a similar demand in another ad, saying “you might be a little surprised that I’d be supporting Liz Cheney in her bid to continue representing Wyoming in the U.S. House, but principle must always come before politics, and nobody has shown more honor, integrity, and courage than she.”

“So I ask you to please consider temporarily switching parties and voting for Liz Cheney on or by August 16th,” he continued.

The requests by the two congressmen reflect a strategy that has been discussed by some Democrats as a means to oppose candidates endorsed by President Donald Trump. Cheney is the last of the ten Republicans in the House who voted in favor of President Trump’s second impeachment, and Trump has endorsed rival candidate Harriet Hageman, a former Republican National Committee member and gubernatorial candidate in 2018.

Due to her vote for impeachment, as well as her continued vocal criticisms of Trump and her participation in the controversial January 6th committee, the Wyoming Republican Party both censured and then disavowed her, refusing to recognize her as a Republican in the coming election. Polls overwhelmingly indicate that Cheney will lose the primary on August 16th, which would make her the fourth pro-impeachment Republican to lose a primary this year.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Background Photo “Voting Booths” by Tim Evanson. CC BY-SA 2.0.



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4 Thoughts to “Two House Democrats Ask Their Voters to Support Liz Cheney in Primary”

  1. John Bumpus

    In the current U. S. House of Representatives, Republicans/Conservatives are ALMOST a majority. (Take for example the vote in the House last Friday when the Democrats passed the so-called Deficit Reduction Act–this $700+ Billion boondoggle might more truthfully be called the Deficit ENHANCEMENT Act, 220 to 207 with 4 Republican Members abstaining from voting.) And yet, just about a year ago, before she was removed from her position by the House Republican Conference because of her anti-Trump pronouncements, Cheney was the no. Three person in the House Republican leadership. Cheney was House Conference Chairperson–the person responsible for setting the House Republican Conference Policy Agenda! Think about it, the NUMBER THREE PERSON!

  2. sere

    Wyoming Democrats, choose Republican on November 4th. You will be doing the Country a massive favor. Vote these two clowns out of office. Think about it, do you really want these two Dinos representing you?

  3. Subotai Bahadur

    To be honest, Liz Cheney is and has been a Democrat in reality pretty much forever. So, Democrats try to help each other.

    Subotai Bahadur

  4. JoCo

    Wouldn’t this be….cheating? Liz needs to become a Democrat permanently.
