Republican Senators Murkowski and Collins Join Democrats to Defeat the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

by Mary Margaret Olohan


Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted with Democrats Tuesday against protecting unborn babies after 20 weeks.

Both Collins and Murkowski voted with Democrats against the Republican-backed Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, while Democratic Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Doug Jones of Alabama voted with Republicans on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

2020 Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts did not vote on either bill.

As expected, Senate Republicans did not muster the needed 60 votes Tuesday to pass the pain-capable act, a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks and sponsored by Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Senate Republicans also did not muster the 60 needed votes to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill protecting babies born alive through botched abortions sponsored by Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.

It was understood ahead of the votes that both bills lacked necessary votes to progress, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed the divisive bills forward in order to spur conservative enthusiasm by forcing Democrats to pick a side on issues like infanticide. McConnell has said that the bills pose “moral questions” that Democrats must answer, The New York Times reported.

President Donald Trump has also harnessed outrage surrounding Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s infanticide comments to spur support for his 2020 presidential campaign.

Democrats have pushed back against both bills, accusing Republicans of fabricating an infanticide narrative. Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin suggested earlier in February and again Tuesday that infanticide is already illegal in the U.S. and pushed senators to instead focus on infant and mother mortality rates related to race.

Sasse accused Democrats Tuesday of purposefully obscuring conversation surrounding the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act by painting the bill as “anti-abortion” and told Durbin that while active infanticide is indeed illegal in the U.S., politicians like Northam have suggested that passive infanticide be legalized.

“What’s actually happening is the senator from Illinois is wanting to obscure the debate because he wants to use euphemisms about choice so that you don’t have to admit to the American public that what’s actually happening on the floor today is probably that like last year, 44 Democrats are gonna filibuster an anti-infanticide bill,” Sasse said Tuesday.

“There’s nothing in the bill that’s about abortion,” Sasse added. “Nothing! It’s about infanticide.”

“That’s the actual legislation, and you’ve got 44 people over there that want to hide from it and talk in euphemisms about abortion, because they don’t want to defend the indefensible,” he said.

Sasse also criticized CNN for a Tuesday report on both the pain-capable act and the born-alive act that described a baby who survived an abortion as a “fetus that was born.”

“News flash CNN, if you’re a baby, and you’ve been born, and you’re outside of mama, nobody calls that a fetus,” he said. “You just wanna call that a fetus because you don’t wanna cover the actual story that’s being voted on in the U.S. Senate today.”

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Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.







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38 Thoughts to “Republican Senators Murkowski and Collins Join Democrats to Defeat the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”

  1. Sue Higham

    You will be defeated in your re-election! How can you! If you are mother it is even worse. One day you will have explain this to your maker!!

  2. Mort

    This is why the democrats and RINO’s must go!

    1. Jeree

      Sick of them!!! Vote them out!! Get true Conservatives to run!!

    2. Douglas Biliouris

      Protect the children from these murderers

  3. Citygirltoo

    Ms. Collins and Murkowski have the blood of the innocents on their hands.. There are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty—death—for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb to be just as much of a human being as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27;

    1. Joni Baker

      Well said!! I concur! It is government approved murder!!!

    2. Geraldine Hendrixson

      You are so correct.

  4. Sovereign Mary

    Senators’ Murkowski and Collins are the TWO BIGGEST DISGUSTING RINO’s in the Washington, D.C.



  6. Lew

    Dumb, deluded, and most definitely evil. How about they be in prison for life? Murkowski, Collins F. U..

  7. Connie Mattes

    Both Republicans Senators, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski don’t deserve to be U.S. Senators. You don’t kill a “Gift from GOD “!. And, by voting to do so ,…Senators, Collins and Murkowsk, are Disobeying one of GOD’s
    10 Commandments… Thou Shalt Not Kill.
    Someday, those two will have to face Our Lord GOD… I certainly wouldn’t want to be either of them!
    It would be interesting to know if they have children or grandchildren…Did they Abort them or KILL them in their Womb?

  8. Karen

    If we have members of the GOP actively voting with Demcrats against the wishes of the GOP they need to be forced to leave the GOP. These two women seem to always be on a thin line against our votes! We don’t need them! They need to go! Enough of the McCain. Mitt crowd! GET THEM OUT OF OUR PARTY!

    1. Katherine Fowler

      They most always do this to the Republicans!

    2. Marie Mitchell

      They are not depending on the Republican votes. They live in Democrat areas so they need the Democrat vote. So they prefer murdering babies just to keep their jobs.

  9. Martha Cook

    And we are supposed to be a civilized society. The species that is supposed to have more compassion and commen sense then all others. We torture and murder innocent human babies without a single hesitation and if they don’t die when we’ve already tried to murder them, we do it again. Tell me people. What are you going to say when you stand before God and he asks why did you torture and murder my baby that I was forming in it’s mothers womb. Then when I saved it because I had a plan for it.YOU DID IT AGAIN

    1. Judy Evans

      You are so right, that baby could have been the person that cured cancer, aids, diabetes. But they have killed. If truth is known that is why so many are dieing like coronoviris, sars, zeka, cancer & all diseases. They have murdered the one to cure them. To murder babies you will have your part in the LAKE OF FIRE.

    2. Mary

      I agree with you Ma

  10. Y.T. Langlois

    I hope and pray that you would find your CONSCIENCE soon. In the meantime, you have joined the Democrats in allowing the UNBORN to be murdered in cold blood.
    May the Holy Spirit descend upon you to give you the Gift of Discernment to enable you to distinguish between RIGHT from WRONG.
    May the Lord have mercy on your souls.

  11. Julia St. Marie

    WANT CHOICE?>CHOOSE PRO-RESPONSIBILITY-birth control options that R available & easily assessable 2day vs antiquated abortion/kill baby option/ choice. 4 the life of me why would someone not choose these options/choices? >Abstinence, IUD, the pill, diaphragm, tubal ligation, etc

  12. George Cook

    To show how stupid these two women are they want to kill unborn children but they’re still alive because their moms didn’t abort them. Are they married & do they have children? Mmmm

  13. Cindy Rice

    The truth of abortion…the barbaric nature of it and the pain experienced by the unborn baby…is well known. Any person of any party who votes pro abortion…in this case infanticide…is guilty of murder. These women who voted for this are worse than sick and twisted, they are evil.

    1. J. F. Crowley

      No regard for a human life.

    2. Victor Merculief

      Senator M has been jerked.into the murder for popular news by a woman jerk. How about that for stupidity.

      1. JOYCE Day

        I would like to add that it is SO Evil, it’s beyond my Heart and Soul to feel anything but total Anger at THEIR disposal of BABIES much LESS agree to that type of murdering BABIES! God GIVE them complete recompense for THEIR disposal of BABIES born alive and wisdom to make them care for not kill them ANYWAY! Oh GOD. Let them die hard for that! Rev Joyce Day Guy

  14. Two more Conservative in name only, two more Republican in label only Republicans.
    How much did Soros and or Bloomberg put in those envelopes in the Legislature?
    It is not Conservative, It is barbaric, it is immoral,, un American, un Christian, to kill the innocent children at any stage of life. I hope the areas they represent send them to the retirement home, where they can cut up pictures of children and kill them instead of real children, their actions, their betrayal of all that is holy, of the children ripped and cut apart as they come out of the womb. They are sick and twisted. I would like to hear their foolish and hateful defense of what they voted against on any real moral grounds, not the new morality of immorality,.Eject them from the Republican party. They betray the the innocent children.
