U.S. Rep. Mark Green Announces First Hearing as Part of Impeachment Proceedings Against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Mayorkas Border

Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security Mark Green (R-TN-07) traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border on Wednesday, where he announced a full committee hearing to initiate impeachment proceedings against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The full hearing, entitled “Havoc in the Heartland: How Secretary Mayorkas’ Failed Leadership Has Impacted the States,” will be held on January 10.

The impeachment proceedings hearing comes from the committee’s five-phase oversight investigation into Mayorkas’ handling of the border crisis.

Green made the announcement during a trip to the southern border with over 60 House Republicans.

“Since taking over at DHS, Secretary Mayorkas has refused to be honest with the American people and with Congress about the causes and consequences his open-borders policies have created,” Green said in a statement.

The committee also released new excerpts this week from transcribed interviews conducted with Border Patrol chief patrol agents responsible for the sectors along the southern border.

The interviews, according to Green, confirmed that “DHS does not possess operational control of the Southwest border in accordance with the definition laid out in the bipartisan Secure Fence Act of 2006.”

“Because of these interviews and first-hand accounts from these current and former chief patrol agents, we have proof that Secretary Mayorkas lacks operational control of the Southwest border. It is time for Congress to hold him accountable via the impeachment process,” Green added.

While speaking to reporters at the border on Wednesday, Green called Mayorkas the “greatest domestic threat to the national security and the safety of the American people.”

“[Mayorkas], through his policies, has defied and subverted the laws passed by the United States Congress. He has defied multiple court orders. He has lied numerous times to the United States Congress. He has, under oath, stated things that were blatantly, obviously incorrect. He has broken his oath to defend this country,” Green said.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.




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2 Thoughts to “U.S. Rep. Mark Green Announces First Hearing as Part of Impeachment Proceedings Against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas”

  1. jamesbellar

    i dont think i have in my life seen anyone like mayporkas who can lie so convincingly. he should be held accountable.

  2. Desperate Times Call For Desparate Measures

    THATS GREAT! FINALLY. NOW CLOSE THE BORDER & DEFUND NGO’s. If the Dems won’t agree on these things. Then SHUT the Government Down. I didn’t see you hand go up when journalist Ben Berqguam asked you Reps in a Press Conference yesterday in Texas to show your hands if you’re willing to SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN in order to use the Power we gave you, to use that Power of the Purse to get things done. This crisis demands Desperate Measures. Our Country is in danger.
    BTW I’m told Zuckerberg has purchased 241 acres in rural Trousdale County,on Cedar Bluff Rd, which borders the Cumberland River, while he builds an $800M data processing center in Gallatin. What kind of data processing? Would it be to process votes in 2024? Why does he need 241 acres in Trousdale Co? These billionaires are buying a lot of farm land. For all we know, it might be for nefarious purposes. The 34K Chinese National military-age men who have crossed our Southern Border illegally have to hide somewhere & train etc. How did they even get out of CCP CHINA? They looked like tourists, not refugees. Someone paid to fly them to Mexico. Who is investigating this?
    I hope you as a Congressman will keep an eye out & find out what he is up to. We know what he did in the 2020 election. He broke Federal lawsthus? he literally took over Election Commissions in Swing States. No one has held him accountable for that agregoous ilkegal action. I hope you nor any of our Tennessee elected officials are taking his dark money. It would be difficult to confront someone who donates millions to campaigns. Kind of like how it’s difficult for Biden to do much of anything for America when he has been paid off by our enemies.
    On another note, did you join the 230 former Military Heroes who wrote a letter tonour Department of Defense called the Military Accountability Project? I hope being a Veteran, you will sign it. I did.
