U.S. Rep. Mark Green Lists How Many Americans Died Because China Lied About COVID-19


U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-08) took to the floor of the House of Representatives and said nearly 100,000 Americans would still live among us if China had warned the United States earlier about COVID-19.

And by that, Green said he meant one week earlier would have made the difference.

Green’s staff on Sunday uploaded a Facebook video of his speech.

“Researchers at Columbia University, not necessarily a bastion of conservatism, I might add, said that had China notified the world just one week sooner then 61 percent of American deaths could have been prevented. Think about that, 61 percent of 143,000 is 87,000 plus Americans who would not be dead had China spoken up just one week sooner. Indicative of their past mercantilist actions, China hoarded PPE in the early days of the virus, despite dominating global PPE manufacturing. China hoarded the world’s PPE,” Green said.

“U.S. exports of PPE to China grew over 1,000 percent in January and February compared with the same period last year. In their time of need we sent them PPE. Italy even donated PPE to China. What did China do? Well, they sold them the very PPE Italy had donated to them and refused to ship PPE to the United States, decrying regulatory violations to keep PPE away from us during our peak need.”

Green, in text accompanying the Facebook video, wrote that “Chinese hackers are trying to steal vaccine research.”

“When will House Democrats hold China accountable?” Green asked.

“When does it end?”

As The Tennessee Star reported in May, White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien suggested that the Chinese Communist Party would try to steal American developments on a coronavirus vaccine.

O’Brien predicted the United States would develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. But he added the Chinese government has worked diligently to steal the U.S. government’s coronavirus vaccine research — and he “wouldn’t be surprised” if their espionage efforts succeeded.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected]





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2 Thoughts to “U.S. Rep. Mark Green Lists How Many Americans Died Because China Lied About COVID-19”

  1. William R. Delzell

    There you go, Mark! Blame it all on the Chinese in the same way the Democrats blame everything on the Russians!

    Mark, if you’re really serious about serving your constituents, you would be looking for ways to fight and eliminate Covid. You don’t do that by wasting time on foreign scapegoats. Use your energy to support the medical scientists desperately working for a cure; and help the environmentalists look for ways of correcting the REAL CAUSES of Covid breeding grounds such as over-grazing of cattle, destroying rain forest, etc. Quit wasting tax-payers’ time on foreigners!

    1. Traditional Thinker

      Lololol. Cattle over grazing is now a covid breeding ground? Stick to cross stitching William. Or better yet comedy. That’s funny sonny boy. Let the cattle eat I say.
