U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Releases 30-Day Plan to Get America Back to Normal


U.S. Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida on Saturday released what he described as a 30-Day Plan to help America get back to normal following the spread of the coronavirus.

This plan would grant people more flexibility than certain states currently allow.

Officials in California, New York, and Illinois, for instance, have already imposed mandatory shutdowns of nonessential businesses in their respective states. But Scott’s 30-Day Plan to stop the spread of the coronavirus does not do that. Instead, Scott’s plan asks that everyone stay home to the extent possible.

“Americans are scared because of the uncertainty the coronavirus has brought. Small businesses are closing, people feel isolated and there’s no end in sight. But we can beat this,” Scott said in a press release.

“There are a series of steps we can take right now that, if everyone cooperates, can end the spread of the Coronavirus in the U.S. If we take these actions, we can significantly stop the spread of the virus and return to our normal, daily lives.”

Other aspects of Scott’s 30-Day Plan include the following:

• Shut down all air travel – international and domestic.

• Close U.S. borders to everyone except American citizens and legal permanent residents.

• Require every individual to have their temperature taken before they enter a public building. If anyone has a high temperature, they cannot enter.

• Place a moratorium on all financial obligations (including rent, credit card payments, mortgages, utilities).

• Implement robust county-level testing with same-day results.

• If someone tests positive for COVID-19, they are mandated to quarantine. States must rigorously enforce quarantine rules.

• The Food and Drug Administration should provide hospitals with a list of all drugs potentially available to patients either through right to try or compassionate use. The FDA should provide hospitals with a list of all drugs that show promising off-label therapeutic use for coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

In a press release, New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday announced he would sign the New York State on PAUSE executive order. Among other things, that order directs that all non-essential businesses statewide must close in-office personnel functions effective Sunday night.

California public health officials say dine-in restaurants, bars, nightclubs, entertainment venues, gyms, and hair and nail salons, among other places of business, must close, according to a press release from California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office.

Meanwhile, in Illinois, Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker, in a press release, ordered a statewide stay at home order that took effect Saturday evening.

“All non-essential business and operations must cease, aside from Minimum Basic Operations. Business can continue with employees working from home,” Pritzker’s press release said.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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6 Thoughts to “U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Releases 30-Day Plan to Get America Back to Normal”

  1. JohnL4U

    So you want to have a great economy and a lot of dead people, or you want to save people and rebuild the great economy ? Our society unfortunately was accustomed to put money above everything, well until someone dies then we love to say ” I wish he/she still alive, I’ll give anything for another chance to see him/her. That’s wrong, we as humans we are better than that. This is going to show us the real value of life and what is really important in life. If we all act as ONE and come up with a great strategy to keep everyone safe and work on rebuilding the economy, we will be able to do it, but it has to be done by ALL of us as one nation, not one state here,another there etc. This is something that nobody was prepared for and we must learn as we go and should take drastic measures in an effort to save as many lives as possible. Think about the person first, then the money will come. We must come up as ONE unit and overcome this issue together. Remember, Love, Life and the pursue of happiness. First is love for each other, then Life itself and finally the pursue of our dreams that will make us happy. USA

  2. 83ragtop50

    A step in the right direction. Governors like Cuomo and Newsome are setting up their states and the country for a long term financial disaster. Then they can point at Trump and the GOP Senate as the cause. We, the sheeple are running scared and being pushed over the edge by these doomsayers. Whatever happened to American personal responsibility?

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