U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton Tells Clarksville Residents Why He Supports Bill Hagerty


CLARKSVILLE, Tennessee — U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said in Clarksville Friday that he wants Tennessee voters to send Bill Hagerty to the U.S. Senate.

Cotton and Hagerty appeared alongside one another at the Clarksville Country Club.

There, Cotton told a gathering of around 100 Hagerty supporters that the candidate will serve Tennessee well.

“In the middle of campaigns, politicians like to get all chesty and talk big about how tough they are and how they will be prepared for a fight. They all do. But how do you know that that’s true? How do you know they will actually stand strong when the fire is upon us? [It’s] whether they’ve done it before,” Cotton said.

“Four years ago, Bill Hagerty stood with Donald Trump from the beginning all the way to Election Day and beyond. Bill Hagerty wasn’t popular in a lot of places. ‘Republicans have chosen Donald Trump as our presidential nominee  and we have to defeat Hillary Clinton and I dedicate the next six months of my life to doing it.’ That is one of the reasons why Donald Trump got elected president in 2016.”

Hagerty is competing against Manny Sethi in an August 6 Republican primary to replace the retiring U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

The Tennessee Star asked Cotton what he would say to Republicans throughout Tennessee who cannot decide which of the two U.S. GOP candidates to support.

“I would encourage Tennessee Republicans to put their faith in Donald Trump’s judgement,” Cotton said.

“President Trump recognizes that Bill Hagerty is going to be the conservative leader for Tennessee. That’s one reason why President Trump asked him to be our ambassador to Japan and, even more importantly, why he asked him to come back to Tennessee to run for the Senate race. President Trump didn’t just endorse Bill Hagerty. He asked him to run. I trust President Trump’s judgement endorsing Bill Hagerty, and I know that Tennessee Republicans will do so as well.”

As The Star reported last month, Cotton participated in a tele-town hall with Hagerty and described why he believes COVID-19 originated in a Chinese lab.

This, even though many people originally believed the virus started at a Chinese wet market.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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6 Thoughts to “U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton Tells Clarksville Residents Why He Supports Bill Hagerty”

  1. Jeffery Heard

    Tom Cotton sorry but no Cigar. Hagerty would be bad for Tennessee bad for the United States. If he had of run a clean campaign and not started lying about his affiliation with R.O. Brien and slinging mud and being racist, he might have been looked at different. If he wins the primary I may have to vote for him. But will not in any other way help the piece of dog poop. I will also work to hold you and Marsha Blackburn accountable.

  2. gary

    Senator Cotton, than you for showing those who did not know already, that haggerty is only in this for you and the other rich republicans who are scared of the thought of someone coming in and being a true conservative

  3. I voted for Manny. I know hagerty is not my guy. Jeb rubio. Gimme a break. Another Lamar. So sick of Lamar. Silent during barry soetoro’s term. Bye bye Lamar anti America compromised China supporter. We can get rid of Manny easier if he bombs. Bill, we’ll never get rid of him. He has the globalist backing. Entrenched money. Thanks. Lamar – blackmailed compromised by the globalists

  4. Kevin

    You can’t make this stuff up. The choice of venues tells the entire story! Dr. Manny conducted his rally on Friday in the sanctuary of a church, while Bill Hagerty held his at a country club! Enough said!

    1. Trevor

      Great Point!! Compare the crowds 400+ at Sethi’s event in Mt juliet to around 100 at the Hagerty event at the Country Club! Go Sethi for Tennessee! 🙂

  5. Trevor

    Sorry Senator Cotton, President Trump has not been the best at picking loyal servants of the public. He chose Jeff Sessions, John Bolton, Michael Cohen and most Recently the federal judge he appointed that turned over Tennessee’s anti abortion law, Judge Campbell! His judgement has not been the Best! Remember Senator Cotton, Hagerty started out as Romney finance guy in 2012, , and in 2016 was for low energy Jeb Bush, after he dropped out he went to support Senator Rubio, after he dropped out Hagerty supported Trump. Trump was his third choice.
    We need more generational diversity in the us senate! Time to turn the page on the old RINOs of the Tennessee, Haslam, Corkers and Alexanders. Sethi is the real Tennessee conservative for Tennessee! I Plan to vote for Trump and Dr Manny….
