University of Tennessee Chattanooga Hosts ‘White Allies and Accountability’ Lecture


The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) is kicking off their spring semester focus on social justice with a discussion of “white allyship” and accountability. The virtual session, titled, “Moving Forward Together: White Allies and Accountability,” is part of Moving Our Campus (MOC) Forward, a series of events and talks focused on equity and inclusion. Facilitators mentioned that this first session falls within the overarching theme for their 2020-2021 schedule: dismantling racism.

The event host, Dr. Beth Douthirt-Cohen, is a facilitator at the Social Justice Training Institute (SJTI) and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Executive Director at Frederick Community College.

The Tennessee Star reached out to Douthirt-Cohen to inquire about the meaning of “white ally” and the forms of accountability that would be discussed in their seminar. Douthirt-Cohen didn’t respond by press time. Spokespersons with the Diversity and Equity Inclusion Office didn’t respond to a request for comment by press time, either.

According to a variety academia echelons, white allies are those who acknowledge the inherent privilege of their race and role within the alleged ongoing oppression against other races, especially Black people. Even if a White person doesn’t believe they are racist, they likely are guilty of “unconscious racism,” commit “microaggressions,” and harbor “implicit biases,” to name a few indiscretions. Accordingly, a true white ally engages in “anti-racism,” by advocating non-stop for racial justice, such as in policing or education, and fighting against racism.

These beliefs fall in line with Critical Race Theory training, banned by previous President Donald Trump and recently reversed by President Joe Biden.

The virtual seminar is scheduled for January 28th at 12:30 p.m. CST. Future session topics from MOC Forward are titled, “A Discussion of Race and Sexuality,” “Looking Back at UTC and Chattanooga’s Black History,” and “Doing Self Work.”

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “University of Tennessee – Chattanooga” by UTC.






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8 Thoughts to “University of Tennessee Chattanooga Hosts ‘White Allies and Accountability’ Lecture”

  1. Jay

    This type of teaching should really help the fund raising. NOT!

  2. Bob Marsh

    Can’t believe how racist our colleges have become. I haven’t seen this much racism since I was a kid in Alabama in the 1960’s. This time it’s mostly made up stuff that no one with any common sense would believe.

    If you are white you are a racist and nothing can be done about it. So were is the argument ?
    Why even have a discussion about it. I don’t think this is sustainable .

    1. Deborah Lawson

      It’s not just our colleges, Tennessee Senators and Members of the house voted to NOT pursue the Voter Fraud and some have called the patriots that went to Washington Terrorist, while refusing to look at the evidence that the real terrorist were Antifa operatives.

  3. Dee

    College ain’t what it used to be . . .

  4. Susan E Gingrich

    The only privilege’ I ever had was “Parent Privilege”. Good parents who taught me right from wrong, to be responsible & independent, to critically think and to love this country, which has blessed me immensely. Sad so many today don’t have that privilege I & others had. Too many today are interested in a new form of segregation, instead of unifying as Americans.

  5. M. Flatt

    I’m just going to say it:

    I am getting very tired of the shame and fear over the topic. Those are the tools of bullies, and you can’t use The Devil’s toolbox to perform the work of God.

  6. scott sammons

    just shows you what a Biden presidency has planned. Do everything we can to keep the division between the races. This whole seminar is a utter waste of time and tax payer money!

  7. Karen

    Please TN legislature. exercise your oversight over public institutions and education. The argument over skin color and not about skills and ability is the wrong way forward. Skin color should not be a factor in education or the work place. Please stop this silly nonsense!!!
