Vanderbilt Hosts HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine to Lead Seminar on ‘Transgender Health and Policy’

Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Admiral Rachel L. Levine

Vanderbilt University hosted Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Admiral Rachel L. Levine last week to headline a talk on “transgender health and policy in Tennessee, the South, and the United States.”

Last week’s event was part of the university’s Spring 2024 Seminar Series for the Center for Research on Inequality and Health, co-hosted by the Vanderbilt LGBTQ+ Policy Lab and the Vanderbilt LGBTQI+ Task Force.

Vanderbilt said Levine, a man who identifies as a woman, “combined her unique perspectives as a pediatrician and a high-ranking government official with her lived experience as a transgender person to comment broadly on LGBTQI+ rights and health and specifically on transgender health, which has been the center of attention recently at statehouses across the nation, including in Tennessee.”

Levine was nominated for the position of assistant secretary by President Joe Biden and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2021.

“Our goal should be a society in which all people, in all places, thrive, without exceptions,” Levine said, according to the university. “I am hopeful for a more inclusive future, and we all have a role in making that happen. Raising awareness is an important step, but I hope that we can all work together, across government at the local, state and federal level, across academia, and across professions, to turn that awareness into action.”

During her visit to the Volunteer State, Levine also met with Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville) (pictured here) and representatives from YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee, the Tennessee Department of Education, the Martha O’Bryan Center, and the Tennessee Justice Center.

Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Admiral Rachel L. Levine and State Rep. Justin Jones

Last year, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed SB1/HB1 titled, ‘The Protecting Children from Gender Mutilation Act’ into law, which forbids healthcare providers from performing or administering to underage children medical procedures or treatments for the purposes of enabling the child to identify with the opposite gender.

The bill was originally introduced in November 2022 after it was revealed that Vanderbilt University Medical Center was providing transgender surgeries to minors.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photos “Dr. Rachel Levine in Nashville” by Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Admiral Rachel L. Levine.




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8 Thoughts to “Vanderbilt Hosts HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine to Lead Seminar on ‘Transgender Health and Policy’”

  1. Rocky

    The Big Top DC Clown Show would make P.T. jealous..

  2. Joe Blow

    He fits right in with the Vanderbilt loony leftists.

  3. Randall Davidson

    no taxpayer money for Vanderbilt. Disgusted that our congress voted this person to any position. That he hangs with Justin Jones is predictable.

  4. Patrick McArthur

    People who believe they were born in the wrong body are mentally ill.
    We should treat their mental illness, not celebrate it.

  5. mikey whipwreck

    institutionalized mental illness

  6. My sister’s Godmother donated the Legal Library to Vanderbilt University. She was married to one of the founders of Healthcare Corporation of America. We have both lost all respect for these two institutions, after Covid and now this. We are both Nurses and would never work for HCA, nor Vanderbilt University Medical Center. How Dr. Schaffner, at Vanderbilt, lives with himself, is beyond me. He pushed the mask BS on the local News. He is supposedly a professor of Medicine at IVY league medical school? Save you money.

    You can get more mileage from a personal trainer and a good nutritionist than you ever could a western trained medical allopathic doctor. Stay healthy, and away from their pills and procedures. Let food be thy medicine. To flourish on this planet you need 4 things daily; clean water, organic, whole, nutrient dense foods, ones that God made, sunlight and exercise.

    The two worst inventions ever made by man were the Television and the La-Z-Boy. Throw both of them out of your home.

  7. Randy

    Vanderbilt once again demonstrating why it should not receive one thin dime of taxpayer funding. Allowing this Circus Clown a platform from which to spew his degenerate mental perversions while disgracing a military uniform is despicable.
