Violent Attacks on Trump Supporters Spike as Election Day Draws Near

by Debra Heine


As Election Day draws near, Democrats are lashing out violently at Trump supporters for the crime of expressing support for the president’s reelection in public. Just as they did throughout the 2016 election season and for many months after, left-wing agitators are engaging in political violence to terrorize and intimidate conservatives in the public square.

After President Trump’s rocky first year, the attacks against Trump supporters slowed down, but never completely went away. (A long list of attacks on Trump supporters since Sept. 2015 can be found here.)

Now, as the country gears up for Election Day 2020, anti-Trump assaults are on the rise again—and becoming deadly.

In July, Bernell Tremmell, a black Trump supporter in Milwaukee, was shot and killed in broad daylight outside his business, Expression Publications. His shop had signs covering the front with bible versus, as well as “Vote Donald Trump 2020,” and “Re-Elect Trump 2020” signs.

In August, “100 percent antifa” Michael Forest Reinoehl fatally shot a Patriot Prayer member named Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson in downtown Portland. Reinoehl died in a shootout with police in Washington a week later.

And earlier this month,  Matthew Dolloff, a far-left private security guard working for Denver TV station KUSA 9-News, fatally shot Lee Keltner, a Trump-supporting 49-year-old U.S. Navy veteran during dueling right-wing and left-wing demonstrations in downtown Denver. Reinoehl was immediately arrested and is facing 2nd degree murder charges.

In just the past few days, a pro-Trump black man in San Francisco had his teeth bashed in by white left-wing agitators at a free speech rally, a pro-Trump young woman was attacked by two deranged females at the Women’s March in Washington DC, a pro-Trump Kansas man was severely beaten and almost run over, and a pro-Trump 73-year-old Vietnam vet in Massachusetts was viciously knocked to the ground because he was holding a Trump sign.

The first assault happened in San Francisco on Saturday, where a small group of conservatives staged a protest in front of Twitter’s headquarters.

The group Team Save America organized the protest after the social media platform locked the Twitter accounts of The New York Post and many others for posting links The Post’s bombshell report on Hunter Biden’s emails.

According to the Associated Press, members of the group wore red MAGA hats and carried pro-police “Thin Blue Line” flags, as well as U.S. flags.

Unfortunately, the peaceful demonstration fell apart when several hundred violent antifa militants showed up and began busting heads. At least two people sustained injuries requiring medical attention, Philip Anderson, the organizer of the event, and an unidentified Team Save America activist who was taken away in an ambulance.

An AP reporter also witnessed “an injured San Francisco police officer on the ground.”

Anderson was sucker punched twice in the mouth as he and a fellow demonstrator were making their way through the antifa mob.

Anderson posted photos to social media of his bloodied mouth with a front tooth missing and another hanging loosely. He said the antifa militants attacked him for no reason.

Addressing Joe Biden, he said in a video posted on social media: “you said antifa was just an idea,” he said. Smiling widely to show his two missing front teeth, he declared, “this is what your ‘idea’ you’re talking about, antifa, this is what they did to me.”

He added, “I’m at the hospital right now Joe Biden because of antifa. So I just want to ask you, do you still think, after seeing this, that they’re just an idea?”

On Saturday in Washington DC, a young woman was allegedly attacked by Women’s March and Black Lives Matter activists while she was participating in a pro-Trump rally.

Isabella Maria DeLuca is reportedly a Turning Point USA ambassador, and the Outreach Director for the pro-Trump organization Republicans for National Renewal.

She posted images of her injuries while recovering at a local hospital.

DeLuca described being assaulted by a deranged old lady in a statement to the National File.

“The first woman was a white older woman – she had glasses on, a glittery bedazzled Black Lives Matter shirt,” Deluca told National File. “She looked like she could’ve been my grandma, honestly.”

She said the woman grabbed DeLuca’s Trump flag, and then when DeLuca attempted to retrieve it, the battleaxe punched and choked her.

According to the National File, DeLuca felt reluctant to defend herself due to the woman’s advanced age, but was determined to get her Trump flag back.

It was at that moment that a much younger female leftist arrived on the scene and began joining her older compatriot in hitting, pushing and punching DeLuca.

After the leftists fled, DeLuca sought medical attention and was subsequently hospitalized.

DeLuca was given a cervical collar due to her extensive head and neck injuries, had her lips bloodied, and is also enduring blurry vision and dizziness.

Coverage of the protests by Breitbart News earlier on Saturday showed DeLuca waving a Trump flag and shouting “four more years” in support of the President.

Both Anderson and DeLuca say they were suspended from Facebook and Instagram after sharing their stories.

Anderson’s Twitter account was suspended late Sunday night after he had posted several photos and videos of himself talking about what happened.

Anderson vented about getting suspended by Instagram and Facebook in a video that is no longer available on Twitter.

This is so crazy—I’m an actual victim!” Anderson exclaimed in the video. “If I were a Democrat right now, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook would be boosting me. I’d be the next Black Lives Matter martyr: Black man gets sent to the hospital. Gets sucker-punched two times in the mouth. Gets his teeth knocked out,” he continued.

“But just because I’m Republican, you want to know what happens? They immediately ban me. They knock out my front teeth and then they ban me on Instagram. And they put me on a ban on Facebook temporarily,” he complained in another video posted to social media.

Monday morning, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) tweeted an offer to help Anderson:

In Prairie Village, Kansas, Dwight Sutherland was allegedly attacked after he confronted a man who was in the process of stealing his yard signs in support of President Trump’s reelection and Amanda Adkins for Congress.

Someone had stolen his signs for five nights in a row, so Sutherland on the sixth night was watching and waiting to catch the miscreant, who of course showed up yet again to abscond with his signs. Sutherland says that when he went out to confront him, the man hit him and took off in his vehicle. The TDS sufferer then turned around and drove back toward him as he was standing in front of his home.

A physician who lives nearby reportedly assisted at the scene and Sutherland was transported to the hospital. He has since been released.

Prairie Village Police are investigating the altercation as an aggravated battery with a motor vehicle, and a misdemeanor criminal charge for damaging property.

Left-wing thugs are now leaving fliers on the houses of Trump supporters threatening to burn them down due to their “preemptive actions against democracy.”

Mike Kuckelman, chair of the Kansas Republican Party, said Republicans are repeatedly intimidated for expressing their political views.

“It is shocking that someone would engage in such violence against Mr. Sutherland who was peacefully exercising his First Amendment right to display yard signs in support of Republican candidates as citizens have done for years. Only with the Democrat party having moved so far left has it become dangerous for Republicans to express their support for Republican candidates. This must stop. I hear from many Republicans that due to extreme intimidation by the Left, they will not express their political views out of fear for their safety. We wish Mr. Sutherland a speedy recovery.”

Also shocking was the alleged assault on a 73-year-old Vietnam veteran over the weekend while he was showing his support for the president at an intersection in Douglas, Mass.

The vet and another individual were were at the intersection at around noon on Saturday holding Trump flags and signs, according to the Boston Herald.

About 30 minutes after they arrived, 34-year-old Kiara Dudley allegedly approached the pro-Trump couple and “began to berate them with insults and demanded that they leave,” police said in a statement.

“As the couple tried to move away, the party continued to follow them and bumped the gentlemen with her body,” Douglas Police said. “At one point the party stepped on the victim’s Veterans for Trump sign and as he bent over to pick it up the party knocked him to the ground causing an injury to his finger.”

Douglas Police arrested Dudley and charged her with assault and battery on an elderly person causing injury after the incident.

She was released on $250 cash bail, and is scheduled to be arraigned in Uxbridge District Court on Monday.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Isabella DeLuca” by Isabella DeLuca Twitter.











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One Thought to “Violent Attacks on Trump Supporters Spike as Election Day Draws Near”

  1. Deplorable Bay Stater

    If the situations were reversed — i.e., if these low-lifes were Trump supporters attacking Leftists — it would be all over the MSM with demands that they be charged with hate crimes, or even terrorism. But, to my knowledge, not a single one of these incidents has been given more than a passing reference on ABC News. (Full disclosure: the Boston ABC station did actually air a fairly lengthy report on the incident that occurred in Douglas, MA, in the local news. It was a reasonably balanced report, although IMHO it gave way too much attention to the perp’s unfounded claim that she was actually the victim.)
