VoterGA Refutes Recent Brad Raffensperger Letter to Congress


Members of VoterGA this week released a 42-point report refuting Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s recent 10-page letter that said former President Donald Trump made false statements about the integrity of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.

Raffensperger sent the letter to members of Georgia’s congressional delegation and to members of the Georgia General Assembly.

“The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) declined to investigate ballot harvesting claims made by True the Vote. True the Vote provided the GBI office with Geo tracking data, surveillance video and allegations from a whistleblower indicating that teams of 242 ballot harvesters may have stuffed thousands of ballots into drop boxes. Many of these drops were allegedly between midnight and 5am by harvesters who were paid $10 per ballot according to a whistle blower in what seems to be a multi-million-dollar operation,” according to the VoterGA report.

“The SOS Inspector General’s (IG) office now states they are investigating these claims 14 months after the election was conducted. When faced with similar claims, the IG office did not diligently investigate them. They did not attempt to have election records unsealed so they could investigate claims of counterfeit ballots, unsecured test ballots and unusual, unexplained vote count spikes. Instead, whistleblowers Suzi Voyles, Bridget Thorne, and Garland Favorito, who respectively voiced these concerns, contend that the IG office attempted to investigate them when an investigator contacted them.”

VoterGA’s report made the following other points:

• A recount that Trump requested was conducted on a voting system that the U.S. District Court found unverifiable to the voter and in violation of Georgia laws.

• The audit of absentee ballot signatures in Cobb County did not confirm that the process was done correctly in all other counties, especially given that some other counties had many more instances of questionable ballots.

• Six affidavits from four senior poll managers and two audit monitors provide prima facie, probable cause evidence of counterfeit ballots in the Fulton County 2020 general election results.

VoterGA, a nonprofit, advocates for independently verifiable, auditable, recount-capable and transparent elections, according to its website.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star and The Georgia Star News. Follow Chris on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, and GETTR. Email tips to [email protected].



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