Was Ilhan Omar Scheduled to Speak Alongside Anti-Semite from Islamic Relief USA?

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) communications director is denying reports that his boss was scheduled to speak alongside Islamist Relief USA’s Yousef Abdallah, a flagrant anti-Semite.

The Jerusalem Post first reported that Omar would be keynoting Islamist Relief USA’s upcoming fundraiser for Yemen taking place in Tampa, Florida. Abdallah was allegedly listed as a speaker for the event, and images screen captured by The Post show that he was.

Abdallah has shared several anti-Semitic posts on his social media account, as documented by the Middle East Forum’s Islamist Watch Blog. In one case, Abdallah shared a “very beautiful” story about the killing of “more than 20 Jews.” He’s referred to Jews as “stinking,” and liked another comment that called for “revenge on the damned rapists Zionists.”

The story was quickly picked up by several national outlets, including Washington Examiner and The Daily Wire, and came amid reports about Omar’s own anti-Semitic comments.

A spokesperson for Omar, Jeremy Slevin, took to Twitter to deny the reports that Omar would be speaking alongside Abdallah.

“He was never scheduled to speak with the Congresswoman. The flyer is inaccurate,” Slevin wrote on Twitter. “Yousef Abdallah will not be speaking or attending the event with Rep. Omar and was never scheduled to do so.”

Slevin apparently told The Post that the flyer containing Abdallah’s name was based on a template used for a previous event that Abdallah did speak at. The event page for the fundraiser no longer displays Abdallah’s name, though the Examiner reports that Abdallah had been “prominently featured as one of the slated speakers both in flyers and in online advertisements for the event since at least January 31,” or 13 days.

Additionally, Abdallah remains an employee of Islamic Relief USA, which has a troubled reputation as being a potential ally of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Islamic Relief USA does not condone or defend any statement made by Abdallah, or any individual, who promotes discrimination or violence of any kind. In accordance with Islamic Relief USA’s strict non-discrimination policies and standards of conduct, Yousef Abdallah was immediately subjected to internal disciplinary and remedial action following knowledge of his actions,” the organization told the Examiner.

Omar is still scheduled to headline the February 23 event.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ilhan Omar” by Leopaltik1242. CC BY-SA 4.0.











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One Thought to “Was Ilhan Omar Scheduled to Speak Alongside Anti-Semite from Islamic Relief USA?”

  1. Bill Delzell

    You right-wingers and conservatives need to clean up your own houses of anti-Semetic residue before you dump on the Left. Timothy McVeigh and many of the surviving militia groups in this country view Jews and black people as “mud” people while portraying “Christian” Gentiles as the only true human beings. Now, that is every bit as anti-Semitic as anything you could find on the left. The right wing white militia groups continue to pose a far greater threat to the U.S. than any Muslims or “illegal” immigrants from south of the border. Our media, however, continues to down play the militia threat.

    Israel herself has had a career of doing business with anti-Semitic (and pro-Nazi) regimes like the former Apartheid regime of South Africa, of Saudi Arabia (despite its alliance with Israel, it itself is violently anti-Jewish), etc. Indeed, prior to 1972, South Africa even unwittingly helped to install some of its own future enemies in 1971 like Idi Amin of Uganda. Before the 1972 Olympics. Amin’s sole victims were blacks and leftists. Only when Amin suddenly turned against Israelis and conservative whites did Israel decide to oppose him.

    Fundamentalists during the 1967 Israeli war also supported radical Islamists at that time as they had shared Israel’s opposition to the SECULAR REFORMIST Arabs like Nassar and the Palestinians. The far more anti-Semetic Saudis, who also hated the secular Arabs, made common cause with Israel despite Saudi Arabia’s own hatred against Jews simply because she hated the Palestinians and Nasser even worse than she had hated Israel.. Not until 9/11 would Israel and the U.S. show any hostility toward Radical Islam as it had against the secular Arabs beforehand. Some of Israel’s staunchest critics against supporting other right-wing anti-Semitic regimes came from Jewish individuals themselves!

    You could eliminate left-wing anti-Semitism by supporting equality between the Palestinians and Israelis and support for a more humane egalitarian distribution of worldwide wealth instead of favoring a few plutocratic countries at everybody else’e expense.
