What Does Tillerson’s ‘Rooney Rule’ Mean for the State Department?

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday announced a diversity initiative for the State Department that requires the consideration of at least one minority candidate every time an ambassador position becomes available. Tillerson did not mention it by name, but the program closely resembles a 2003 diversity initiative in the NFL that came to be known…

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One Thought to “What Does Tillerson’s ‘Rooney Rule’ Mean for the State Department?”

  1. 83ragtop50

    How about just selecting the best candidate for the job? I realize that many ambassadorships are simply perks for friends and financial supporters. But why on earth turn this into a some kind of EOE social justice endeavor? It will not satisfy the detractors who blindly shout “Diversity! Diversity”, How about “Competence! Competence”? Participation trophies are in order here.
