White Professor at George Washington University Admits to Pretending to Be Black



A professor at George Washington University is facing widespread backlash after admitting that, after years of pretending to be black, she is actually White, according to CNN.

The professor is Jessica Krug, who teaches African and Latin-American Studies, and has written numerous papers on Africa and Latin America, repeatedly citing her own alleged heritage from both continents. However, Krug confessed to the racial lie in a blog post on the website Medium titled “The Truth, and the Anti-Black Violence of My Lies.”

After admitting that she was born as “a White Jewish child in suburban Kansas City,” she denounced her race of birth and “assumed identities within a blackness that I had no right to claim.” She even lists the multiple different races that she falsely claimed to be, starting with “North African blackness, then US-rooted blackness, then Caribbean-rooted Bronx blackness.”

In her confession, she flagellated herself for her actions, describing them as “the very epitome of violence, of thievery, and appropriation,” further describing herself as “a culture leech.”

Students who had taken her classes were shocked at the truth, recalling how she frequently talked about her “heritage,” citing her own experiences as a black woman, and often speaking in Spanish during class. George Washington University is currently investigating, according to a spokeswoman, but “cannot comment further on personnel matters.”

The incident is similar to other high-profile cases of White people pretending to be black in order to fit in with far-left “racial justice” activists. Among the most prominent examples prior to Krug are Rachel Dolezal, also a professor and a former NAACP chapter leader before her family ousted her as White, and Shaun King, a prominent leader in the Black Lives Matter movement whose biological parents are White. Both Dolezal and King resorted to artificially darkening their own skins, as well as adopting “stereotypically black” hairdos.

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22).











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3 Thoughts to “White Professor at George Washington University Admits to Pretending to Be Black”

  1. 83ragtop50

    She sounds like a very good Democratic candidate for the senate for Massachusetts. She can replace Pocahontas Warren.

    1. Deplorable Bay Stater

      She would be an improvement!

  2. Dave

    If there’s so much “white privilege” in this country, then why are numerous woke white liberals pretending to be minorities in order to advance their careers? The biggest example of course is Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren.
