Whitmer Says She Censors Herself So Trump Won’t Cancel Aid to Michigan

by Mary Margaret Olohan


Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she censors her criticisms of President Donald Trump to ensure that Michigan continues to receive aid from the federal government.

Asked in an Axios interview if she censors her comments about POTUS “for the sake of continuing to receive federal assistance,” Whitmer said, “Yes.”

Whitmer also said she has worried about criticism from Trump over Twitter.

“The worst night sleep that I’ve gotten in the last 10 weeks is when he has attacked me on Twitter,” Whitmer told Axios.

The Michigan governor has sparked protests in her state over strict stay-at-home orders prohibiting Michigan residents from visiting their family and friends, holding public and private gatherings of any kind, and restricting which businesses may operate.

“The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire. These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal,” Trump tweeted May 1.

The full Axios interview with Whitmer will air Monday on HBO.

Despite protests against her strict lockdowns, the Whitmer has not backed down.

Whitmer has said that her executive orders are “not optional” during a press conference. “I expect people to follow the law. These executive orders are not a suggestion. They’re not optional. They’re not helpful hints,” Whitmer said May 11.

She also blamed politics for the pushback and protests against her orders.

“There is a lot of politics at play here, unfortunately,” Whitmer told Fox News in May. “The protests are very political in nature instead of being focused on the stay-at-home order.”

“But I’ve been focused on doing my job, and I’m going to keep doing that and I’m not going to apologize about that,” Whitmer said, before adding, “I’m not changing the way I run this state because of some protests.”

Watch a preview of the interview:

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Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.









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One Thought to “Whitmer Says She Censors Herself So Trump Won’t Cancel Aid to Michigan”

  1. Ralph

    The Michigan state legislature refused to extend the state of emergency beyond April 30th. She is acting unlawfully. Having been refused the extension under the 1976 emergency powers act, she and her totalitarian minions then reverted to a 1945 act.

    Kansas is just as bad. The governor’s actions there refused religious services during Easter week, while simultaneously allowing bars and restaurants to open. The Legislative Coordinating Council (LCC), formed at the initial declaration of the emergency, refused. Then, and only then, at the behest of the governor, the LCC was nullified by the state supreme court.

    Both instances of outright tyranny, by any measure. Both instances of Democrat governors acting in defiance of a Republican-majority legislature.
