Williamson County School Board Member Brad Fiscus Stepping Down from Board, Leaving Tennessee

Brad Fiscus


Williamson County School Board Member Brad Fiscus announced that he will move from the state of Tennessee and step down from his position on the board.

The decision by Fiscus follows a contentious school board meeting, where hundreds of parents voiced opposition to a proposed mask mandate for the school system.

Even after numerous and notable objections, the members continued to vote to pass the mandate, which will require all elementary students and staff to wear a mask during the school year.

However, Fiscus blamed the decision to move on his wife, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, losing her job with the State of Tennessee, The Williamson Herald reported. Earlier this year Fiscus was fired from the Tennessee Department of Health, after the organization received backlash from lawmakers for vaccine outreach to minors.

Dr. Michelle Fiscus

“Anytime the major breadwinner of a family loses their job in the way that this happened, … we’ve been together for 33 years and married for 31, so we’re going to stick together,” Brad Fiscus said of the decision to move.

After Dr. Fiscus was terminated from the Department of Health, she blamed elected leaders in the state for the decision.

“I am ashamed of them. I am afraid for my state. I am angry for the amazing people of the Tennessee Department of Health who have been mistreated by an uneducated public and leaders who have only their own interests in mind,” she said.

In an additional tweet, Fiscus largely pinned the decision to move on the residents of the state.

“[Brad] and I have lived in this community for 24 years. Raised our babies here. They went to [Williamson County] schools K-12. Brad and I would walk downtown Franklin and I would squeeze his arm and say, ‘I can’t believe we live here,’” she said. “Lately, when I say, ‘I can’t believe I live here’ I say it with sadness and shake my head. There are wonderful people here. I’ll bet MOST of them are. But the loud, angry, entitled ones who care only for themselves have been drowning them out.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Brad Fiscus” by Brad Fiscus.






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12 Thoughts to “Williamson County School Board Member Brad Fiscus Stepping Down from Board, Leaving Tennessee”

  1. William Delzell

    His and his wife’s departure is Williamson County’s loss and some other state’s gain. Shame on the anti-vaxers and Tea Partiers who want all Tennesseans regardless of skin color and socio-economic class to die from Covid!

  2. Tasha cl

    Good riddance child abusers

  3. Tim Price

    You wont admit that your wife was fired for having become a power hungry liberal hack!

    So move to Commiefornia where you belong!

  4. Just StoppItt

    We’re headed to TN in two weeks, after having lived in IL our entire lives. Dr. Fiscus’ words are music to our ears; we’ll fit in just fine in a state that opposes state-sponsored fascist control of every aspect of our lives, even (especially?) in the name of ‘science’.

    1. nicky wicks

      the thing is, there’s no ‘science’ showing masks actually work. it is all pandemic theatre.

  5. LM

    Good luck finding someplace where you can control other people’s lives.

  6. John

    So let me get this straight, he votes in favor of a mask mandate only to announce he’s leaving and not only won’t have to follow his own mandate but will also avoid any blow back since he’s no longer a resident. How convenient. He should have excluded himself from the vote. He’s a true coward.

  7. dany douxe

    These libs belong in California or Oregon.
    Nice knowing you……….

  8. docferri

    good riddance to rubbish. I bet if there children were still in middle or elementary school they wouldn’t be pushing this bs. Don’t let the door in you in the crack God made.

  9. CMinTN

    Good riddance to the bed wetters!

  10. mikey whipwreck

    don’t let the door hit ya, brad!
