Wokeness Is a Multi-Billion Dollar Business in America, and It Has Some Dems Scared

by Laurel Duggan


An outpouring of grants to activist groups promoting race-based ideology is causing problems for some Democrats by highlighting the most unpopular beliefs of party members, according to an op-ed published in The New York Times.

Charitable support for “racial equity” projects skyrocketed after the death of George Floyd in June 2020. These projects received $3.3 billion from 2011 to 2019, then $12.7 billion and $11.6 billion in 2020 and 2021, respectively, according to the NYT op-ed.

Racial equity-related grants support initiates ranging from support for historically black colleges to campaigns to dismantle municipal police forces, according to the piece. These grants also support so-called “antiracist” research, which favors discriminatory policies against non-black individuals in order to diminish unequal outcomes between racial groups.

“When progressive philanthropists fund groups that promote extreme views like ‘defunding the police’ or that sanction ‘cancel culture,’ they are exacerbating intraparty conflict” and fueling backlash from Republicans, Matt Bennett, senior vice president of think tank Third Way, reportedly said.

Among Democrats, black and Hispanic voters were more likely than white voters to favor increases in police budgets in 2021, according to the Pew Research Center. Bennett reportedly pointed out that a failed “defund the police” ballot initiative in Minneapolis performed worst in the city’s most-heavily black districts.

Republicans drew attention to the “defund the police” movement ahead of the 2020 primaries, which Bennett reportedly credits for the loss of more than a dozen House seats for Democrats. “It’s crystal clear that some ideas being pushed by activists and funded by lefty foundations go beyond that paradigm, treading into territory that is flat-out politically toxic and that undermine our collective goals,” Bennett reportedly said.

Democrats are fighting to distance themselves from other activist-led social movements such as efforts to popularize the term “Latinx.” Only 2% of Hispanic people identify themselves as “Latinx,” 40% found the term offensive and 30% said they would be less likely to vote for a politician who uses the term in a December poll by Bendixen & Amandi International.

“The numbers suggest that using Latinx is a violation of the political Hippocratic Oath, which is to first do no electoral harm,” Fernand Amandi, whose firm advised Barack Obama’s Hispanic outreach campaign efforts, told Politico.

Jonathan Chait, a writer for New York Magazine, argued in November 2021 that the Democratic Party’s “well-funded left wing … has poisoned the party’s image with many of its former supporters.”

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Laurel Duggan is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.




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6 Thoughts to “Wokeness Is a Multi-Billion Dollar Business in America, and It Has Some Dems Scared”

  1. If you haven’t figured it out public police primarily protect those in the government, the public sector and their wealthy campaign contributors and no where in the Constitution is the authority granted to the government to create such agencies. Since they have now been militarized with such weapons the civilian population is not longer allowed to possess, this has also unlawfully abrogated the 2nd amendment both eliminating this function and control by citizens militias but all their right to bear arms.

    Now Police must bow to and obey the politicians and judges rather the serve and protect the civilian population, or they will be eliminated from the force. Hence the pushback from the civilian population with more killings on both sides of the issue. Thinking this is primarily a one Party problem, doen’t nearly recognized the systemic problems.

  2. […] Wokeness Is a Multi-Billion Dollar Business in America, and It Has Some Dems Scared […]

  3. […] Wokeness Is a Multi-Billion Dollar Business in America, and It Has Some Dems Scared […]

  4. LM

    And Republicans are supposed to be the uneducated ones …

  5. butch

    A$$holes be “a$$holin’!!

  6. Rich Ord

    There is pretty much only one wing of the Democrat party and that is the radical extreme left wing. The defund the police movement was the main outcome that the BLM riots were after and they were supported by every Dem politician. The recent vote in the House to eliminate the right of states to require ID to vote in order to make it easier to cheat was supported by 99 percent of the Democrat congress.

    The idea that some Dems are cringing at the positions of other Dems is only true in the sense that they don’t want their own radical ideas to be so out in the open. They prefer to talk tough on crime and then vote the opposite once elected.
