AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda Supports Ballot Referral to Make Illegal Entry into Arizona a State Crime

Arizona GOP Chair Gina Swoboda

Chair of the Arizona Republican Party (AZGOP) Gina Swoboda announced her support for a ballot referral that would help secure the state’s border with Mexico introduced by Republican state lawmakers.

In March, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed the Arizona Border Invasion Act which would have made it a class 1 misdemeanor for individuals to cross the state’s international border anywhere but at an authorized port of entry.

Hobbs made the following argument against the bill in her veto letter at the time:

This bill does not secure our border, will be harmful for communities and businesses in our state, and burdensome for law enforcement personnel and the state judicial system. Further, this bill presents significant constitutional concerns and would be certain to mire the State in costly and protracted litigation.

Now, Arizona Republicans have introduced measures included in the bill vetoed by the governor as House Concurrent Resolution 2060, which would be directly presented to voters in November as a ballot referral.

If approved by voters, House Concurrent Resolution 2060 would make it a state crime to enter Arizona from Mexico anywhere but legal ports of entry. As such, local law enforcement would be authorized to make arrests of those who cross into Arizona from Mexico illegally

Illegal aliens who illegally cross into Arizona and are arrested and convicted would be ordered to leave the country.

Swoboda joined Republican leaders in announcing the ballot referral on Wednesday, affirming her support for the effort.

“I am thankful for the legislature and the majority for putting these bills forward. I am very thankful for law enforcement that is working to protect the people of Arizona and the United States. The Biden Administration has failed to do so. We’re going to have a presidential election and the people will determine at that point whether or not they think it’s a good idea to leave the border open, but in the meantime we have a responsibility to interdict the people that are crossing over outside the ports of entry,” Swoboda said.

“If you’re seeking refuge, you’re coming through the ports of entry, right? Because you’re reporting your presence and looking to become a part of this country. If you’re crossing over outside those ports of entry, that’s unlawful. These people need to be interdicted for their protection and for the protection of everybody here. That’s what this bill is doing. It’s up to the people now to make a decision about how they want that enforced,” Swoboda continued.

“I don’t know what anybody thinks the plan is. I have not observed there to be a plan from the federal government at this point from that administration. Governor Hobbs has failed to act on the multiple options that have been sent to her desk to protect the people of Arizona. This is what the people of Arizona are asking for. That’s what we’re going to deliver,” Swoboda added.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Image “GOP Chair Gina Swoboda” by Republican Party of Arizona.



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