Commentary: Combating Adult and Child Sex Trafficking in Tennessee

by Frances Rosales


Known for its warm hospitality, cultural heritage, and mountainous landscapes, Tennessee is confronted with the nationwide crisis that challenges the very essence of our values. It’s time to strip away the veneer of normalcy and address the stark truth: individuals, including children, are being subjected to unspeakable horrors. Their lives are manipulated and controlled, their dignity shattered, and their futures stolen. The reality of sex-trafficking is not confined to a single corner of our state; it is an issue that transcends geographical boundaries, urban and rural areas alike.

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), the average age of a child sold for sex is 13 years old. Adult and child sex trafficking is the second-fastest growing criminal industry, just behind drug trafficking.

The good news is that Tennessee is making a tremendous attempt right now to fight against sex trafficking. But this is not just a challenge for law enforcement; it is a call to action for society as a whole. First, we must tackle this crisis head-on by acknowledging its scale. Our state has become a hub for trafficking due to its strategic location and extensive interstate network. No community is untouched, whether urban or rural.

Public awareness starts with education, as informed individuals become powerful advocates for change. By educating our citizens, schools, and businesses about the signs of trafficking and the avenues for reporting suspicions, we can amplify our collective efforts to rescue victims and apprehend perpetrators. Furthermore, our justice system must be equipped to handle these cases with sensitivity, ensuring that victims are treated as survivors, not criminals.

Preventative measures play a pivotal role in dismantling the foundations of exploitation. Traffickers exploit their victims by capitalizing on their vulnerabilities. Poverty, lack of education, unstable home environments, and societal neglect create a fertile ground for exploitation. We must invest in after-school programs, mental health services, and community centers that provide a safe haven for at-risk individuals. By fostering environments of support and empowerment, we can offer an alternative path for those teetering on the edge of exploitation and stay proactive while effectively addressing the issues.

The role of technology cannot be overlooked. The digital realm provides traffickers with a sinister platform to mask operations that recruit victims and coordinate illegal activities across geographical boundaries. Social media, encrypted messaging apps, and online marketplaces become conduits for exploitation, making the task of detection and intervention more challenging. However, technology can serve as a powerful tool for law enforcement, advocates, and organizations combating trafficking. Digital platforms offer a means to raise public awareness, share resources, and gather data for targeted interventions. Advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence can aid in identifying patterns and potential victims. It’s time to turn the tables and use technology to defend our society’s most vulnerable.

Advocating for change through legislation is a critical pillar in the fight against adult and child sex trafficking. For the past two decades, Tennessee has passed numerous laws to battle adult and child sex trafficking. The 2020-2021 State budget allocated $5 million to key groups dedicated to supporting and strengthening efforts to combat sex trafficking. These ongoing efforts extend beyond the scope of current laws and funding, as it is evident that more work remains to be done in this critical endeavor.

In 2011, a significant step was taken towards a more compassionate approach by decriminalizing children involved in prostitution. The General Assembly removed prostitution as a prosecutable charge for individuals under the age of 18. Tennessee statutes have increased the penalties for sexual offenses involving minors. In addition, safeguarding minors from being ensnared in such a perilous lifestyle is essential. Most importantly, ensuring stringent measures are in place to prevent perpetrators from evading justice is crucial.

Confronting the evil of adult and child sex trafficking demands unwavering determination and a united effort to dismantle this grave injustice. As Tennesseans, as parents, as community members, it is our duty to stand up against this dark tide, to shine a light into the shadows, and to reclaim the compassion and humanity that define us.

Let’s rally together, fellow Tennesseans, to lead the charge, make a vow against adult and child sex trafficking, report any suspicious activity, and lend our voices to stand up for the voiceless. The safety and well-being of our citizens and the integrity of our society depend on it.

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Frances Rosales is a dedicated School Board Member for Rutherford County Schools, mother, and wife, driven by a fervent passion for education’s transformative power, regardless of a child’s socioeconomic background. Her tireless efforts reflect a deep commitment to ensuring equal learning opportunities for all, making a positive impact on students, families, and the community.





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