Commentary: Iowa Senator Joni Ernst Says It’s Time to Audit the IRS

“In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes,” Benjamin Franklin once observed.

Turns out, he was only half right.

While Iowans sat down at the kitchen table to complete their tax forms before the filing deadline this past week, thousands of federal employees whose salaries are paid by those taxes did not bother.

That’s right, while you’re paying taxes and working to make ends meet, many federal employees—some making over $100,000 a year—are serial tax evaders. More than 1,200 IRS employees, including tax collectors, were delinquent in paying their own tax bills.

While the Biden administration is hiring over 87,000 new employees, including an army of auditors at the IRS, they can’t even get their current employees to follow the law and aren’t doing much to try. All while the agency plots to unleash their troops on everyday small businesses to audit their transactions.

It’s the perfect example of the misplaced priorities of President Biden and his crew of tax-evading bureaucrats.

Federal employees should serve you, the taxpayer, not serve their own financial schemes. This belief that federal employees are above the law must end. That’s why, at my request, the Inspector General has agreed to conduct an audit of the IRS to investigate the fraudsters within their own agency.

When it comes to taxes, the Biden administration’s motto is: rules for thee and not for me! I will continue to push for a complete audit of the IRS, expose their tax-evading employees, and shed light on the hypocrisy within our federal agencies. Too often those in Washington forget who they really work for, the taxpayers.

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Joni Ernst, a native of Red Oak and a combat veteran, represents Iowa in the United States Senate.
Photo “Joni Ernst” by Joni Ernst. Background Photo “IRS Building” by Joshua Doubek. CC BY-SA 3.0.



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