House Republicans Balk at Temporary Spending Bill

by Mary Lou Masters


Numerous House Republicans have voiced opposition to the continuing resolution (CR) brokered by the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) and the Main Street Caucus on Sunday evening to avoid a government shutdown.

Members of the conservative HFC and moderate Main Street Caucus agreed to fund the government for another month, and the bill also includes the Secure The Border Act minus e-verify, a near 8 percent cut of non-defense discretionary spending and other provisions. Several conservative members, including Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, took to Twitter following the announcement to say they won’t support the CR.

“For months, I have made it very clear that I will not be supporting a CR. And this week is no different,” Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale (pictured above) wrote in a tweet. “A CR is a continuation of Nancy Pelosi’s budget and Joe Biden’s policies. We were assured in January that we weren’t going to use the Democrats’ gimmicks to fund government and that we would deliver the 12 appropriations bills, thereby funding government responsibly and transparently, which is why I will be voting against the CR this week.”

“I have not yet seen final deal, but I’m hearing that a CR will be pushed for 30-Day extension that will include H.R. 2 Secure The Border Act (which I voted for) minus the E-verify, and more Ukraine funding,” Rep. Cory Mills of Florida wrote in a tweet. “If the House thinks adding HR2 which we DIRELY NEEDED sweetens the deal for me to vote clearance to add more Ukraine funding for the Senate neocon/neolibs to not oppose. I’m a HARD NO! I’m sick of the DC backroom deals to appease 61 in the Senate and not going to play this game. Our job is to fund the US and take care of the American people. I was not elected by overseas interests like others. Enough is Enough!”

Rep. Dan Bishop of North Carolina echoed Mills’ sentiment, writing, “I’m with Cory. No CR. Pass the damn approps bills. Roll back the crazy bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels. Now.”

“Unfortunately, real leadership takes courage and willingness to fight for the country, not for power and a picture on a wall. The Republican House is failing the American people again and pursuing a path of gamesmanship and circus,” Indiana Rep. Victoria Spartz said in a statement. “Neither Republicans nor Democrats have the backbone to challenge the corrupt swamp that is bankrupting our children and grandchildren. It is a shame that our weak Speaker cannot even commit to having a commission to discuss our looming fiscal catastrophe. Our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves to see how this institution is betraying our Republic for personal political ambitions and our children will be ashamed of another worthless Congress.”

Reps. Andy Ogles of Tennessee and Anna Paulina Luna of Florida also opposed the temporary spending legislation, according to their tweets, as well as Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee, the Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed.

“HFC Members have worked over the weekend with the Main Street Caucus on a path forward to fund the government and secure America’s border,” HFC Chairman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania wrote in a tweet that the caucus pointed the DCNF toward. “We now have a framework for our colleagues across the House Republican Conference.”

Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales criticized the deal as a “messaging battle,” and Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina also expressed opposition to the bill, according to The Washington Examiner.

Congress has until Sept. 30 to either pass 12 appropriations bills or a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown. The House is expected vote on the continuing resolution later this week, according to multiple reports.

“Congress must keep government open and secure the border. That’s why we’ve worked with leaders of the House Freedom Caucus to introduce a 31-day continuing resolution laser-focused on fixing the crisis at our southern border,” the Main Street Caucus’ Chairman Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, Vice Chair Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma and Executive Board Representative Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota said in a joint statement shared with the DCNF. “Over the next several days, we’ll work together to build support for this CR, to pass the defense appropriations bill, and to make progress on other appropriations bills that bend the curve on out-of-control spending.”

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Mary Lou Masters is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Image “Rep Matt Rosendale” by Rep. Matt Rosendale.



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One Thought to “House Republicans Balk at Temporary Spending Bill”

  1. levelheadedconservative

    If not for the Freedom Caucus our Republic would probably have collapsed already. We are on the edge and the ignorant in Congress want to continue “business as usual”.
    I hope the fiscally responsible all stand strong and firm in their resolve.
