Leahy: GHW Bush’s 1990 Immigration Act Opened Door for Harris-Mayorkas ‘Temporary Protected Status’ Abuse Causing Overtaking of U.S. Communities by Migrants

Illegal Immigrants

Michael Patrick Leahy, CEO and editor-in-chief of The Tennessee Star, detailed how the Immigration Act of 1990, signed into law by then-President George H. W. Bush, is the gateway legislation that led to the influx of migrants overtaking U.S. communities under Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

The Immigration Act of 1990 created TPS, which creates a temporary immigration status for nationals of countries facing armed conflict, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions.

TPS provides work permits and protection from deportation to foreign nationals from those countries designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary for 6, 12, or 18 months at a time and can be suspended or extended at the discretion of the DHS secretary.

There are currently 16 countries designated for TPS: Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen.

Leahy discussed how the TPS program is being “abused” on Monday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“The Temporary Protected Status…was designed for people who were from countries where there were all sorts of military difficulties or natural disasters to be here temporarily – six months, 12 months, 18 months – and then to go back to their countries or go back to somewhere else. That’s what it’s designed for. You’re not allowed to come in under Temporary Protected Status and become a permanent citizen of the United States. It’s allegedly prohibited, except it’s been abused,” Leahy explained.

Leahy noted how then-President Donald Trump attempted to end the TPS program but was blocked from doing so by the court system.

“Trump came in and he said, ‘You know what, we’ve got to stop this program. It’s a disaster.’ So they put in effect a notice, and the Secretary of Homeland Security at that time, Christian Nielsen, signed the letter saying we’re stopping it for Haiti, we’re stopping it for El Salvador, we’re stopping it for all of these various countries. But guess what happened? The left brought a lawsuit,” Leahy explained.

After losses in two separate lawsuits, Saget v. Trump and Ramos v. Nielson, the Trump administration was barred from ending TPS, which led to approximately 400,000 migrants in the U.S. under TPS.

Now, as Leahy pointed out, current DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ extending of TPS for certain countries has led to there being 1.1 million migrants in the U.S. under TPS – 160,000 of the migrants being Haitians.

“There were 56,000 Haitians in 2020. Guess how many there are today? There’s a total of 1.1 million migrants here under this temporary program, and 160,000 are Haitians. Where have they ended up? Looks like 20,000 of them have ended up in Springfield, Ohio, where, ‘They’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the geese’,” Leahy said.

“Now there are mixed reports on that…But one thing we know for sure all of their requests for social services are way up. And in addition, they can’t drive. They’re causing all sorts of driver’s accidents. Who cares about the people of Springfield, Ohio, who were there before this influx of Haitian migrants? Not the Left,” Leahy added.

Watch the full segment:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Illegal Immigrants” by Chief Patrol Agent Robert Danley. 




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One Thought to “Leahy: GHW Bush’s 1990 Immigration Act Opened Door for Harris-Mayorkas ‘Temporary Protected Status’ Abuse Causing Overtaking of U.S. Communities by Migrants”


    The only vote I regret was voting for G W BUSH.
    The horrific things I found out about his lies and war, was what woke me up to the Uniparty.

    I knew then that the Uniparty would support the election of a Democrat. Both parties united in support of a totally unknown character, who just appeared out of nowhere. He was a “bi-racial young articulate & clean young man” as described by Joe Biden. Isn’t it interesting that OBAMA would then choose Joe Biden as his VP?
    Oddly, The Obamas had all their records legally sealed, which of course, raises suspicions. His primary opponent Hillary Clinton questioned Obamas legitimacy as a Candidate for POTUS, due to the fact he had revealed in his book “bio”, in which he admitted his father was a Kenyan. The US CONSTITUTION outlines the qualifications, which includes that both parents must be naturalized citizens of the US. The ATTACK of the Media on Hillary was vicious, causing her to lose the Primary..
    The Media was not interested in that very important requirement.
    Then during the General Election, the Media began accusing Republicans of being Racists if they raised the concern about Obamas legitimacy. If they dared to ask for a copy of Obama’s birth certificate, they were demonized & called “BIRTHERS”, as if it were Racist to see his birth certificate, after all, Obama was the one who admitted his father was Kenyan.
    I don’t know how the hell anyone with any kind of critical thinking skills & common sense could not see through this blatant ” middle finger in your face “.
    I believe that is when the media became CORRUPT WITH POWER. FAKE NEWS WAS UNLEASHED ON AMERICA.
    Toward the end of the campaign Barrack Hussein Obama’s famous words “IN JUST FOUR DAYS, WE ARE GOING TO TRANSFORM AMERICA”.
    AND NOW WE SEE THAT UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION. We all know he has been pulling the strings since. TRUMPS election in 2016 shocked the UNIPARTY, & THEY ( the Uniparty & their DEEP STATE army) VOWED TO DESTROY TRUMP.
    For the UNIPARTY, Trump is the enemy. He stands in their way of accomplishing A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Just look at what the United Nations is doing during this campaign. The media is not covering their clear intent to force America into submission.

    Biden moved the Administration of the Secret Service from the US Treasury, where it had independence from politics, to the Deprtment of Homeland Security under the control of Alejandro Mayorkas, a known Trump Hater.
    That’s a HUGE conflict of interest.
    Our US Congress has not asked Mayorkas to join the Acting Director of the Secret Service to appear in committee to testify about the Assassination attempts, even though, he refuses to provide documents they request.
    I know President Trump respects his personal Secret Service detail, but there is clearly a problem, when Mayorkas sends his DHS agents to provide security at an outddor event in Butler, PA., when they are not trained. Who can trust them anyway? They totally humiliated the Secret Service with the world watching.
    If I were the Secret Service Detail, I would be paranoid by now.
    Mayorkas has one problem, his 2nd attempt to kill Trump not only failed, but the ” Informant” is alive, & could talk.
    Suspicious that the FBI will not allow Florida Investigators near the scene to look at potential evidence, so they can do a parallel investigation.
    I’m sure they won’t allow them to question Routh.
    VERY SUSPICIOUS, don’t you think?
    I hope Florida jail has Routh under 24/7 surveillance, so they can’t “suicide” him.
    There should be some way Congress in the upcoming CR, could include an amendment to move Secret Service back to Treasury.
    Maybe Trump should provide his own Security.
