Nearly 600 Illegal Aliens May Be Transported to Middle Tennessee, DHS Notice Says

A notice from last September by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported that a total of 573 “noncitizens” from Guatemala, Venezuela, Honduras, and Mexico intended on traveling to Franklin, Nashville, Davidson County, and Murfreesboro following their release from DHS custody.

The notice, dated as the week ending September 16, 2023, is titled “Intended Destination of Noncitizens Processed at the Southwest Border.”

The notice said it was sent to the City of Franklin “for planning purposes,” however, adds that the data “may not accurately reflect individuals who will travel to that destination, remain at that destination, or when they may arrive.”

Noncitizens, according to DHS, are asked to provide their “intended destination in the U.S.” to CBP or ICE before being released from DHS custody.

The destination information provided to CBP or ICE is then “included on the paperwork” the noncitizens receive when they are released into the U.S.; however, it is the responsibility of the individuals to follow “reporting requirements,” which includes “keeping DHS apprised of their current residential address.”

“It is important to note that these data reflect the intended destination reported by noncitizens at the time of their initial encounters with CBP; DHS does not have a role in transporting released noncitizens to their intended destination and does not have a role in validating travel plans,” DHS said in its notice to the City of Franklin. “As a result, this information may not accurately reflect individuals who will travel to that destination, remain at that destination, or when they may arrive. With these caveats, DHS is providing these data to potential receiving cities in response to requests for planning purposes only.”

Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn commented on the notice sent by DHS, writing on X, “It is ridiculous that the Biden administration is trafficking illegal immigrants to Tennessee. The only transporting of migrants we should be doing is transporting them out of the country.”

Tennessee U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) also took notice, adding, “Middle Tennessee should NOT be housing any of Biden’s illegal aliens. @POTUS, shut down the border NOW! I’ve contacted DHS about this situation and will continue to demand action to stop this!”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Illegal Immigrants” by John Modlin. 





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10 Thoughts to “Nearly 600 Illegal Aliens May Be Transported to Middle Tennessee, DHS Notice Says”

  1. Weeden

    Actions speak louder than words. No one has taken action outside of Trump. His words may be hard to take but his actions worked. What exactly happens when these humans are dropped inside the country? No one has an answer because no one planned for their housing, education to our language and laws and jobs. NO ONE. There has to be a path provided to become a citizen. This has indeed turned into a self inflicted invasion.

  2. Maybe someone should tell Taylor Swift that about Sen. Blackburn and maybe she would quit running her down.

  3. Randall Davidson

    Really, September and we are just hearing about this now 5 months later??? Screw Brandon, send them back……


      Governor Lee should put them right on another bus and ship them to DC and then dump them in front of the Capitol. Or better yet Joe’s house in Delaware.

  4. Sim

    If Biden can violate the immigration laws and flood our Country/State with “Illegals”,

    “WHY” can’t Tennessee just put them on an airplane as soon as they step off the bus and fly them back to South America???

    America’s “BIGGEST PROBLEM” is that “MOST”, especially the “Politicians”, have a “YELLOW STREAK” running up their backs instead of a “BACKBONE”.

    Personally, I think it’s time we load our guns and take our Country back.

  5. Randy

    As always, it matters who governs. Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are responsible for this entire mess. If you are a registered voter and continue to vote democrat you are supporting the invasion of our country. Unfortunately the flip side is building baseball and football stadiums, shoveling money out the door to their pals. Self governance is not only hard, it requires honest people of integrity with the intestinal fortitude to say no,

  6. Debbie

    “doing their jobs” really? why did this notice published in September 2023 only be in the news yesterday?

  7. Betty Henry

    Don’t forget that it is the TN state Republican legislators who gifted $7.3 million dollars to Catholic Charities of TN so they could spread their infrastructure and services into 10 new Middle TN counties. This compliments the work of the NGOs helping to use the $$$$ passed to them by Biden’s administration to pay their way to the US interior. We know that the Dems are all for keeping a wide open border, but it’s the TN state GOP members who have made it very clear that if you have a work permit, please come here because we want the cheap labor. And once they settle here, it’s the Republican legislators who are passing laws rewarding these migrants. Republicans in Congress are definitely no better – have never really tried to “fix” the problem and the states aren’t doing any better. In TN if the Chamber of Commerce and the small business lobby want it, they get it.

  8. Colleen Sanders

    Sorry, but I see nothing but Senator Blackburn working her tail off for the people of Tennessee. Unlike many politicians, she is NOT a slacker. Sign up for her weekly newsletter and/or write to the Senator. She is the only Senator who has ever replied to this citizen.

  9. Grizz

    Blackburn and Ogles took notice and spoke out and during an election year. Really? I hate to tell them but virtue signaling isn’t going to solve this long standing problem. East TN is filled with illegals’ and their numbers are growing daily. Leave it to Marsha and Andy to state the obvious but offer no solution.
