Senator Marsha Blackburn Introduces Bill to Empower Border States to Place Temporary Barriers on Federal Land

Blackburn Border Wall

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) joined a group of her Republican colleagues in introducing a bill that would authorize U.S. states bordering Canada or Mexico to place temporary structures on federal land to secure its border.

While the U.S. Constitution currently provides for the protection of states “against invasion” and reserves the right of states to defend themselves, states are unable to place structures on federal land without first obtaining authorization from the federal government under current law.

If enacted, Blackburn and her colleagues’ Creating Obstructions Necessary to Address Illegal and Nefarious Entry Rapidly (CONTAINER) Act would allow border states to temporarily place “movable, temporary structures” on federal land to secure the border without first seeking federal approval.

The bill would also allow border states to keep the structures on federal land in place for up to a year before seeking 90-day extensions that can be approved by the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior.

“Since President Biden took office, there have been over 8.5 million apprehensions at our southern border, turning every state into a border state,” Blackburn said in a statement. “Meanwhile, his administration has only exacerbated the problem by trying to stop the use of measures that will secure our border like shipping containers and razor wire. Because Joe Biden refuses to do so, it’s clear Congress must act to give border states the explicit authority to protect their communities and the sovereignty of the United States.”

The bill comes as the Biden administration asked the Supreme Court last week to allow the U.S. Border Patrol to cut razor wire placed along the southern border in Texas.

Also, in 2022, Texas and Arizona were targeted by the Biden administration for placing large shipping containers along parts of the southern border to fill gaps in the incomplete border wall. Arizona has since removed the shipping containers following a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn. 





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2 Thoughts to “Senator Marsha Blackburn Introduces Bill to Empower Border States to Place Temporary Barriers on Federal Land”

  1. Diana Barahona

    Where is the CIA? So effective in mind control of the people of the United States, so effective at overthrowing popular governments of other countries and installing Bilderberg Group mind-controlled puppets who dance to the tune of the capitalist class, yet powerless against Mexican cartels?
    Unless, of course, the cartels were created by the CIA for the purpose of destroying our nation.

  2. Concerned

    Thank you, Senator. It defies all common sense the position of troubled Joe Biden and the democrat party. Those most opposed to border enforcement are also those who do not have direct contact with the problem. California’s Southern border is robust, it is enforced. Texas, New Mexico and Arizona have a major problem made more difficult by Joe’s misunderstanding the problem and Kamala Harris ineptitude. Her first assignment was to address the crisis, to date she has done nothing. She doesn’t know what to do. Instead, they foist the problem, and the costs, on states. School systems in New York are now busing illegal immigrant children (and their families) to Minnesota which is destroying that public school system as well. These children deplete resources and retard learning of the whole class. The Senator, again thank you, in her efforts is cutting the pipeline of illegals funneling into the country. States, cities, who want to remain as sanctuaries should be allowed to do so without any Federal financial support.
