Tennessee Representative Proposes NDAA Amendment to Require Transgender Men Register for the Draft

Tennessee U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) recently proposed five amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024, including one that would require transgender men to register for the selective service.

A transgender man is someone who was born a female but who identifies as male.

While speaking on the House floor regarding his amendment, Burchett stated, “If the Biden administration is so serious about prioritizing so-called ‘equity,’ then no one should have a problem with my amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would require anyone who identifies as a man to register for the selective service. If these folks want to be treated like men, they need to act like men.”

“I don’t support the woke agenda – as you know, I’m fully against it – but if the Democrats want to play ball, then let’s play some ball,” Burchett added.

The Selective Service System’s website states, “US citizens or immigrants who are born male and changed their gender to female are still required to register. Individuals who are born female and changed their gender to male are not required to register.”

Burchett also proposed the following amendments to the NDAA:

  • Unconscious Bias Funding – Prohibits federal funding from being used for unconscious bias training.
  • UAP Declassification – Requires the Department of Defense to declassify any documents and records relating to publicly-known sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena that do not compromise the national security of the United States.
  • R&D Contract Cost Sharing – Requires recipients of federal defense contracts for research and development to acquire 25% of program funding from non-federal sources.
  • FPI Contract Sharing – Prohibits the Federal Prison Industries from receiving federal contracts that have been set aside exclusively for small businesses.

Before being brought to the floor for a vote, the U.S. House Committee on Rules must review and approve all proposed amendments to the NDAA. The full NDAA is expected to be brought to the floor for a vote this Friday.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.




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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee Representative Proposes NDAA Amendment to Require Transgender Men Register for the Draft”


    There is only one thing regarding the NDAA that I would go along with and that is to REPEAL it along with the Patriot Act. From what I have seen Burchett is a good guy and I totally understand what he is trying to do with this amendment……BUT NDAA should be repealed not amended.

  2. william r. delzell

    I oppose requiring anybody, male or female, to register for the Selective (or is it Sexist) Service System, especially if the registration law singles out any particular gender–in this case the MALE gender. I would also oppose singling out females as well as singling out males for the draft. I REFUSE to help the government enforce any law that violates equal protection under the law regardless of their gender. I admire the young men who have risked imprisonment by their decision to DISOBEY the Selective (Sexist) Service System. If it were up to me, hawkish blood-thirsty women like Marsha Blackburn, Kay Ivey, et al. would be subject to the draft before any 18 year old of either sex is called.

    Out of curiosity, has Burchette ever served in the military?
