U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown Narrowly Ahead of Republican Opponents in Ohio Senate Primary Poll

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) is currently holding a narrow lead against his Republican challengers for U.S. Senate in 2024 in a new poll conducted by the East Carolina University (ECU) Center for Survey Research.

The poll details that among the registered voters in Ohio surveyed, Brown holds a slim lead over both the already declared and undeclared candidates.

The poll shows that Democratic incumbent Brown holds a 45 to 44 percent lead over Republican State Senator Matt Dolan (R-Chagrin Falls) and a 46 to 42 percent lead over Republican businessman Bernie Moreno who has received the most support and endorsements from influential politicians such as former President Donald Trump and U.S. Senator JD Vance (R-OH). Brown holds a 44 to 42 percent lead over undeclared U.S. Senate candidate Secretary of State Frank LaRose. The remaining individuals surveyed were undecided or indicated support for a different candidate.

ECU Center for Survey Research said it polled 805 registered voters in Ohio between June 21st and June 24th with a margin of error of +/- 4 percent. The poll does not detail the number of surveyed Republicans, Democrats, or Independents.

The poll notes that in his most competitive match-up against Dolan, “Brown performs best among traditional Democratic Party blocs. Browns leads Dolan among those with an advanced or post-graduate degree (65 to 33 percent); African American voters (81 to 7 percent); women (50 to 36 percent); and self-identified Democrats (91 to 2 percent). Brown also leads among self-identified independents (48 to 36 percent). In comparison, Dolan leads Brown among voters with a high school education or less (47 to 35 percent); white voters (50 to 39 percent); men (53 to 39 percent); and Republicans (85 to 5 percent).”

According to the poll memo, when Republican primary voters were asked to indicate which Republican Senate candidate they supported to challenge Brown, 58 percent of respondents answered that they were currently undecided. LaRose holds a slight lead garnering 17 percent of the vote, Dolan holds 14 percent of the vote, and Moreno holds 7 percent of the vote.

LaRose assumed office as Ohio Secretary of State in 2019, and his current term ends in 2027. He was a Republican in the Ohio State Senate, representing District 27 from 2011 to 2018. He served in the United States Army from 1998 to 2007 and reached the rank of Sergeant First Class. He recently told The Ohio Star that he hopes to make his U.S. Senate candidacy announcement soon.

Dolan, who is considered a moderate, has represented districts in the Cleveland region and has been a senator for Ohio since 2017. He previously served three terms in the Ohio House.

Moreno was born in Bogota, Colombia, and became an American citizen at age 18. He purchased a car dealership in 2005 and in 2018, co-founded ChampTitles, which eliminates the need for states to issue paper titles.

A primary target for the GOP in 2024 is Brown’s seat, along with those held by U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV.), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), who is retiring.

The Democratic Party currently holds a narrow 51-49 majority in the upper chamber.

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Hannah Poling is a lead reporter at The Ohio Star and The Star News Network. Follow Hannah on Twitter @HannahPoling1. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Sherrod Brown” by Sherrod Brown. Photo “Frank LaRose” by Frank LaRose. Photo “Bernie Moreno” by Bernie Moreno. Photo “Matt Dolan” by Matt Dolan. 






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